SMS scnews item created by Leo Tzou at Wed 18 Feb 2015 1318
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 1 Jan 2016 Calendar1: 27 Feb 2015 1400-1500 CalLoc1: UNSW Red Centre 4082
Auth: (ltzo2369) in SMS-WASM
Joint Colloquium: Barnsley -- Approximation of fractal functions by Weierstrass nowhere differentiable functions
I will describe a constellation of results, old and new (joint with A. Vince, B.
Harding, P. Viswanathan), centered around the functional equation f(x)-af(bx)=g(x),
where a and b are real parameters, in various Lp spaces. The new results connect
Weierstrass to fractal interpolation theory, NCG, and a remarkable orthonormal basis
that reduces to {cos(nx),sin(nx)} when a=0. For a light introduction to this lecture,
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