SMS scnews item created by Zhou Zhang at Fri 8 Jul 2011 1526
Type: Seminar
Modified: Mon 11 Jul 2011 1617; Wed 20 Jul 2011 1510
Distribution: World
Expiry: 22 Jul 2011
Calendar1: 22 Jul 2011 1430-1530
CalLoc1: UNSW (room RC-4082)
CalTitle1: Sydney-UNSW Joint Colloquium: Prof. Gang Tian (from Princeton) -- New Geometric Flows

Sydney-UNSW Joint Colloquium : Prof. Gang Tian (from Princeton) -- New Geometric Flows

Speaker: Professor Gang Tian from Princeton University

Time: July 22nd, 2:30PM-3:30PM 

Place: UNSW, RC(Red Center) 4082

Lunch (with the speaker): we meet at UNSW (the East 
Wing entrance of Red Centre, under the big fig tree) 
at 1PM, Friday

Title: New Geometric Flows

Abstract: Curvature flows have played a very important 
role in recent developments in geometry and topology, 
such as, resolution of Thurston's Geometrization 
Conjecture for 3-manifolds by using Ricci flow. In this 
talk, I will discuss two new curvature flows which 
generalize the Ricci flow and show how they can be 
applied to study symplectic manifolds and a still 
mysterious class of complex surfaces. I will also 
discuss the relation of these flows to the 
renormalization group flows in physics. This will 
be an expository talk and based on my joint works 
with J. Streets.

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