Physicists' papers on natural language from a complex systems viewpoint
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We aim at listing all papers by physicists, or published in physics journals, on natural language from a
complex systems
viewpoint. This web page is maintained by
Eduardo G. Altmann and Martin Gerlach.
Please help us sending papers that belong to this list to martin.gerlach (AT)
We have collected 544 papers from
1989 to 2019 | Last modified on
29 Jul 2019.
E Bok'anyi, D Kondor, and G Vattay, Scaling in words on twitter, arXiv:1903.04329, 2019 [arXiv]
E DeGiuli, Random language model, Physical review letters 122, 128301, 2019 [doi]
E DeGiuli, Emergence of order in random languages, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2019 [doi]
E Estevez-Rams, A Mesa-Rodriguez, and D Estevez-Moya, Complexity-entropy analysis at different levels of organisation in written language, PloS one 14, e0214863, 2019 [doi]
A Koplenig, S Wolfer, and C M"uller-Spitzer, Studying lexical dynamics and language change via generalized entropies: the problem of sample size, Entropy 21, 464, 2019 [doi]
M Lippi, MA Montemurro, MD Esposti, and G Cristadoro, Natural language statistical features of {lstm-generated} texts, IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 2019 [doi][arXiv]
M Mussa Juane, LF Seoane, AP Mu~nuzuri, and J Mira, Urbanity and the dynamics of language shift in galicia, Nature communications 10, 1680, 2019 [doi]
JI Perotti and OV Billoni, Zipf's law in music emerges by a natural choice of zipfian units, arXiv:1902.06678, 2019 [arXiv]
R Amato, L Lacasa, A Diaz-Guilera, and A Baronchelli, The dynamics of norm change in the cultural evolution of language, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 201721059, 2018 [doi]
AD Back, D Angus, and J Wiles, Determining the number of samples required to estimate entropy in natural sequences, arXiv:1805.08929, 1-6, 2018 [arXiv]
T Bhattacharya, N Retzlaff, DE Blasi, W Croft, M Cysouw, D Hruschka, I Maddieson, L M"uller, E Smith, PF Stadler, G Starostin, and H Youn, Studying language evolution in the age of big data, Journal of Language Evolution 3, 94-129, 2018 [doi]
VV Bochkarev, AV Shevlyakova, and EY Lerner, Modelling of growth of syntactic relations network in english and russian, Journal of physics. Conference series 1141, 012008, 2018 [doi]
J Burridge, B Vaux, M Gnacik, and Y Grudeva, Statistical physics of language maps in the {usa, arXiv:1811.08788, 2018 [arXiv]
LR Chai and DS Bassett, Evolution of semantic networks in biomedical texts, arXiv:1810.10534, 2018 [arXiv]
G Cocho, RF Rodriguez, S S'anchez, J Flores, C Pineda, and C Gershenson, Rank-frequency distribution of natural languages: a difference of probabilities approach, arXiv:1811.09451, 2018 [arXiv]
HF de Arruda, VQ Marinho, LDF Costa, and DR Amancio, Paragraph-based complex networks: application to document classification and authenticity verification, arXiv:1806.08467, 2018 [arXiv]
W Deng and AE Allahverdyan, Relating zipf's law to textual information, arXiv:1809.08399, 2018 [arXiv]
L Dias, M Gerlach, J Scharloth, and EG Altmann, Using text analysis to quantify the similarity and evolution of scientific disciplines, Royal Society open science 5, 171545, 2018 [doi][arXiv]
R Ferrer-i-Cancho and MS Vitevitch, The origins of zipf's meaning-frequency law, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 122, 558, 2018 [doi][arXiv]
R Ferrer-i-Cancho, Optimization models of natural communication, Journal of quantitative linguistics 25, 207-237, 2018 [doi]
WP Goh, K Luke, and SA Cheong, Functional shortcuts in language co-occurrence networks, PloS one 13, e0203025, 2018 [doi]
B Gonc calves, L Loureiro-Porto, JJ Ramasco, and D S'anchez, Mapping the americanization of english in space and time, PloS one 13, e0197741, 2018 [doi][arXiv]
TJ Gray, AJ Reagan, PS Dodds, and CM Danforth, English verb regularization in books and tweets, PloS one 13, e0209651, 2018 [doi][arXiv]
R Hanel and S Thurner, The role of grammar in transition-probabilities of subsequent words in english text, arXiv:1812.10991, 2018 [arXiv]
J Holehouse and RA Blythe, Cross-situational learning of large lexicons with finite memory, arXiv:1809.11047, 2018 [arXiv]
R Huang, Q Zou, K Xu, M Cai, W Zhang, W Deng, and B Liu, Key nodes mining of root network and phoneme network of modern chinese characters, Journal of physics. Conference series 1113, 012019, 2018 [doi]
A Karjus, RA Blythe, S Kirby, and K Smith, Topical advection as a baseline model for corpus-based lexical dynamics, Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics, 186-188, 2018 [doi]
A Karjus, RA Blythe, S Kirby, and K Smith, Quantifying the dynamics of topical fluctuations in language, arXiv:1806.00699, 1-29, 2018 [arXiv]
A Karjus, RA Blythe, S Kirby, and K Smith, Challenges in detecting evolutionary forces in language change using diachronic corpora, arXiv:1811.01275, 2018 [arXiv]
T Kobayashi and K Tanaka-Ishii, Taylor's law for human linguistic sequences, arXiv:1804.07893, 2018 [arXiv]
D Lipowska and A Lipowski, Emergence of linguistic conventions in multi-agent reinforcement learning, PloS one 13, e0208095, 2018 [doi]
Y Lou, G Chen, and J Hu, Communicating with sentences: a multi-word naming game model, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 490, 857-868, 2018 [doi]
A Mazzolini, J Grilli, E De Lazzari, M Osella, MC Lagomarsino, and M Gherardi, Zipf and heaps laws from dependency structures in component systems, Physical Review E 98, 012315, 2018 [doi][arXiv]
A Mazzolini, A Colliva, M Caselle, and M Osella, Heaps' law, statistics of shared components and temporal patterns from a sample-space-reducing process, arXiv:1806.09419, 2018 [arXiv]
A Mazzolini, M Gherardi, M Caselle, M Cosentino Lagomarsino, and M Osella, Statistics of shared components in complex component systems, Physical Review X 8, 021023, 2018 [doi][arXiv]
JA Morales, E Colman, S S'anchez, F S'anchez-Puig, C Pineda, G I~niguez, G Cocho, J Flores, and C Gershenson, Rank dynamics of word usage at multiple scales, arXiv:1802.07258, 2018 [doi][arXiv]
M Ortega-Rodriguez, H Solis-S'anchez, and R Gamboa-Alfaro, Deciding the status of controversial phonemes using frequency distributions; an application to semiconsonants in spanish, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 503, 1020-1029, 2018 [doi]
S Pompei, V Loreto, and F Tria, Copystree, Language Dynamics and Change 8, 55-77, 2018 [doi]
T Price and S Hossenfelder, Measuring scientific broadness, arXiv:1805.04647, 1-17, 2018 [arXiv]
LF Seoane and R Sol'e, The morphospace of language networks, arXiv:1803.01934 1, 1-18, 2018 [arXiv]
E Shulzinger, I Legchenkova, and E Bormashenko, Co-occurrence of the benford-like and zipf laws arising from the texts representing human and artificial languages, arXiv:1803.03667, 2018 [arXiv]
T Stanisz, J Kwapie'n, and S Dro zd z, Linguistic data mining with complex networks: a stylometric-oriented approach, arXiv:1808.05439, 2018 [arXiv]
S Takahashi and K Tanaka-Ishii, Assessing language models with scaling properties, arXiv:1804.08881, 1-14, 2018 [arXiv]
S Takahashi and K Tanaka-Ishii, Cross entropy of neural language models at {infinity---a} new bound of the entropy rate, Entropy 20, 839, 2018 [doi]
F Tria, V Loreto, and V Servedio, Zipf's, heaps' and taylor's laws are determined by the expansion into the adjacent possible, Entropy 20, 752, 2018 [doi]
DS Vieira, S Picoli, and RS Mendes, Robustness of sentence length measures in written texts, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2018 [doi]
H Watanabe, Empirical observations of ultraslow diffusion driven by the fractional dynamics in languages, Physical Review E 98, 012308, 2018 [doi]
M Wiegand, S Nadarajah, and Y Si, Word frequencies: a comparison of pareto type distributions, Physics letters. A, 2018 [doi]
M Wo'zniak, A Wolos, U Modrzyk, RL G'orski, J Winkowski, M Bajczyk, S Szymku'c, BA Grzybowski, and M Eder, Linguistic measures of chemical diversity and the ``keywords'' of molecular collections, Scientific reports 8, 7598, 2018 [doi]
X Yan and P Minnhagen, The dependence of frequency distributions on multiple meanings of words, codes and signs, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 490, 554-564, 2018 [doi]
X Yan, S Yang, BJ Kim, and P Minnhagen, Benford's law and first letter of words, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 512, 305-315, 2018 [doi]
S Yu, C Xu, and H Liu, Zipf's law in 50 languages: its structural pattern, linguistic interpretation, and cognitive motivation, arXiv:1807.01855, 1-18, 2018 [arXiv]
C Akimushkin, DR Amancio, and ON Oliveira, Text authorship identified using the dynamics of word {co-occurrence} networks, PloS one 12, e0170527, 2017 [doi]
Y Al Rozz, H Hamoodat, and R Menezes, Characterization of written languages using structural features from common corpora, 161-173, 2017 [doi]
EG Altmann, L Dias, and M Gerlach, Generalized entropies and the similarity of texts, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2017, 014002, 2017 [doi][arXiv]
C Bentz, D Alikaniotis, M Cysouw, and R Ferrer-i-Cancho, The entropy of {words---learnability} and expressivity across more than 1000 languages, Entropy 19, 275, 2017 [doi]
J Burridge, Spatial evolution of human dialects, Physical Review X 7, 031008, 2017 [doi][arXiv]
V Chand, D Kapper, S Mondal, S Sur, and R Parshad, Indian english evolution and focusing visible through power laws, Languages 2, 26, 2017 [doi]
' Corral and F Font-Clos, Dependence of exponents on text length versus finite-size scaling for word-frequency distributions, Physical review. E 96, 022318, 2017 [doi]
X Cui, CN Yoon, H Youn, SH Lee, JS Jung, and SK Han, Dynamic burstiness of word-occurrence and network modularity in textbook systems, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2017 [doi]
W Deng and MP Pato, Approaching word length distribution via level spectra, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 481, 167-175, 2017 [doi]
G Donoso and D Sanchez, Dialectometric analysis of language variation in twitter, arXiv:1702.06777, 2017 [arXiv]
G Febres and K Jaff'e, Quantifying structure differences in literature using symbolic diversity and entropy criteria, Journal of quantitative linguistics 24, 16-53, 2017 [doi]
Q Feltgen, B Fagard, and J Nadal, Modeling language change: the pitfall of grammaticalization, Language in Complexity, 49-72, 2017 [doi]
Q Feltgen, B Fagard, and J Nadal, Frequency patterns of semantic change: corpus-based evidence of a near-critical dynamics in language change, Royal Society Open Science 4, 170830, 2017 [doi][arXiv]
AJ Gallego and R Orus, Language design as information renormalization, arXiv:1708.01525, 2017 [arXiv]
K Hayata, Frustration in the pattern formation of polysyllabic words, Frontiers in Physics 4, 2017 [doi]
C Hern'andez-G'omez, R Basurto-Flores, B Obreg'on-Quintana, and L Guzm'an-Vargas, Evaluating the irregularity of natural languages, Entropy 19, 521, 2017 [doi]
AJ Holanda, M Matias, SMSP Ferreira, GML Benevides, and O Kinouchi, Character networks and book genre classification, arXiv:1704.08197, 2017 [arXiv]
D Lipowska and A Lipowski, Language competition in a population of migrating agents, Physical Review E 95, 052308, 2017 [doi]
A Martini, A Cardillo, and PDL Rios, Entropic selection of concepts in networks of similarity between documents, arXiv:1705.06510, 2017 [arXiv]
A Mehri and M Jamaati, Variation of zipf's exponent in one hundred live languages: a study of the holy bible translations, Physics letters. A, 2017 [doi]
Y Neuman, Y Cohen, N Israeli, and B Tamir, A proposed methodology for studying the historical trajectory of words' meaning through tsallis entropy, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2017 [doi]
K Prochazka and G Vogl, Quantifying the driving factors for language shift in a bilingual region, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201617252, 2017 [doi]
J Quezada-Gonz'alez, D Aguilar-Vel'azquez, T Contreras-Uribe, B Obreg'on-Quintana, and L Guzm'an-Vargas, A comparative study of power law scaling in large word-length sequences, Journal of physics. Conference series 792, 012076, 2017 [doi]
T Raducha and T Gubiec, Predicting language diversity with complex network, arXiv:1704.08359, 1-10, 2017 [arXiv]
AJ Reagan, CM Danforth, B Tivnan, JR Williams, and PS Dodds, Sentiment analysis methods for understanding large-scale texts: a case for using continuum-scored words and word shift graphs, EPJ Data Science 6, 28, 2017 [doi]
LF Seoane and J Mira, Modeling the life and death of competing languages from a physical and mathematical perspective, Bilingualism and Minority Languages in Europe: Current trends and development. 93, 1-22, 2017 [arXiv]
E Shulzinger and E Bormashenko, On the universal quantitative pattern of the distribution of initial characters in general dictionaries: the exponential distribution is valid for various languages, Journal of quantitative linguistics 6174, 1-16, 2017 [doi]
M Stella, NM Beckage, M Brede, and M De Domenico, Multiplex model of mental lexicon reveals explosive learning in humans, arXiv:1705.09731, 2017 [arXiv]
S Takahashi and K Tanaka-Ishii, Do neural nets learn statistical laws behind natural language?, PloS one 12, e0189326, 2017 [doi]
J Vera and F Urbina, Agent-based model for the origins of scaling in human language, arXiv:1705.05762, 2017 [arXiv]
JR Williams and GC Santia, Is space a word, too?, arXiv:1710.07729, 2017 [arXiv]
EG Altmann and M Gerlach, Statistical laws in linguistics, Creativity and Universality in Language, 7-26, 2016
C Bian, R Lin, X Zhang, QDY Ma, and PC Ivanov, Scaling laws and model of words organization in spoken and written language, EPL 113, 18002, 2016 [doi]
RA Blythe, ADM Smith, and K Smith, Word learning under infinite uncertainty, Cognition 151, 18-27, 2016 [doi][arXiv]
VV Bochkarev, EY Lerner, and AV Shevlyakova, Verifying heaps' law using google books ngram data, arXiv:1612.09213, 2016 [arXiv]
P Carpena, PA Bernaola-Galv'an, C Carretero-Campos, and AV Coronado, Probability distribution of intersymbol distances in random symbolic sequences: applications to improving detection of keywords in texts and of amino acid clustering in proteins, Physical Review E 94, 052302, 2016 [doi]
A Carro, R Toral, and MS Miguel, Coupled dynamics of node and link states in complex networks: a model for language competition, New journal of physics 18, 113056, 2016 [doi][arXiv]
M Chatzigeorgiou, V Constantoudis, F Diakonos, K Karamanos, C Papadimitriou, M Kalimeri, and H Papageorgiou, Multifractal correlations in natural language written texts: effects of language family and long word statistics, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2016 [doi]
V Constantoudis, M Kalimeri, F Diakonos, K Karamanos, C Papadimitriou, M Chatzigeorgiou, and H Papageorgiou, Long-range correlations and burstiness in written texts: universal and language-specific aspects, International Journal of Modern Physics B 30, 1541005, 2016 [doi]
HF de Arruda, FN Silva, VQ Marinho, DR Amancio, and LDF Costa, Mesoscopic representation of texts as complex networks, arXiv:1606.09636, 2016 [arXiv]
S Dro zd z, P O'swiȩcimka, A Kulig, J Kwapie'n, K Bazarnik, I Grabska-Gradzi'nska, J Rybicki, and M Stanuszek, Quantifying origin and character of long-range correlations in narrative texts, Information sciences 331, 32-44, 2016 [doi][arXiv]
R Ferrer-I-Cancho and C G'omez-Rodriguez, Crossings as a side effect of dependency lengths, Complexity 21, 320-328, 2016 [doi][arXiv]
R Ferrer-i-Cancho, Compression and the origins of zipf's law for word frequencies, arXiv:1605.01326, 2016 [arXiv]
J Fort and J P'erez-Losada, Can a linguistic serial founder effect originating in africa explain the worldwide phonemic cline?, Journal of the Royal Society, Interface / the Royal Society 13, 20160185, 2016 [doi]
M Gerlach, F Font-Clos, and EG Altmann, Similarity of symbol frequency distributions with heavy tails, Physical Review X 6, 021009, 2016 [doi][arXiv]
Y Holovatch and V Palchykov, Complex networks of words in fables, arXiv:1602.04853, 1-16, 2016 [arXiv]
A Kulig, J Kwapien, T Stanisz, and S Drozdz, In narrative texts punctuation marks obey the same statistics as words, Information sciences 375, 98-113, 2016 [doi][arXiv]
JL Leonard, E Heinsalu, M Patriarca, K Sharma, and A Chakraborti, Patterns of linguistic diffusion in space and time: the case of mazatec, arXiv:1612.02994, 2016 [arXiv]
S Li, R Lin, C Bian, QDY Ma, and PC Ivanov, Model of the dynamic construction process of texts and scaling laws of words organization in language systems, PloS one 11, e0168971, 2016 [doi]
HW Lin and M Tegmark, Critical behavior from deep dynamics: a hidden dimension in natural language, arXiv:1606.06737 02139, 2016 [arXiv]
JC Loach and J Wang, Optimizing the learning order of chinese characters using a novel topological sort algorithm, arXiv:1602.08742, 2016 [arXiv]
V Loreto, P Gravino, VDP Servedio, and F Tria, On the emergence of syntactic structures: quantifying and modelling duality of patterning, arXiv:1602.03661, 1-11, 2016 [arXiv]
A Mehri and SM Lashkari, Power-law regularities in human language, The European physical journal. B 89, 241, 2016 [doi]
SS Melnik, Entropy and long-range memory in random symbolic additive markov chains, Physical Review E 93, 062144, 2016 [doi]
J Michaud, Continuous time limits of the utterance selection model, arXiv:1606.08433, 2016 [arXiv]
MA Montemurro and DH Zanette, Coherent oscillations in word-use data from 1700 to 2008, Palgrave Communications 2, 16084, 2016 [doi]
I Moreno-S'anchez, F Font-Clos, and ' Corral, Large-scale} analysis of zipf's law in english texts, PloS one 11, e0147073, 2016 [doi][arXiv]
RD Parshad, S Bhowmick, V Chand, N Kumari, and N Sinha, What is india speaking? exploring the ``hinglish'' invasion, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 449, 375-389, 2016 [doi]
SD Prado, SR Dahmen, ALC Bazzan, P Mac Carron, and R Kenna, Temporal network analysis of literary texts, arXiv:1602.07275, 2016 [arXiv]
AJ Reagan, L Mitchell, D Kiley, CM Danforth, and PS Dodds, The emotional arcs of stories are dominated by six basic shapes, EPJ Data Science 5, 31, 2016 [doi][arXiv]
AH Shirazi, A Badie Modiri, S Heydari, JL Rohn, GR Jafari, and AR Mani, Evolution of communities in the medical sciences: evidence from the medical words network, PloS one 11, e0167546, 2016 [doi]
J Sienkiewicz and EG Altmann, Impact of lexical and sentiment factors on the popularity of scientific papers, arXiv:1605.07465, 1-9, 2016 [arXiv]
R Sol'e, Synthetic transitions: towards a new synthesis, Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences 371, 20150438, 2016 [doi]
K Stadler, RA Blythe, K Smith, and S Kirby, Momentum in language change: a model of {self-actuating} s-shaped curves, Language Dynamics and Change 6, 171-198, 2016 [doi]
M Stella, NM Beckage, and M Brede, Multiplex lexical networks reveal patterns in early word acquisition in children, arXiv:1609.03207, 1-17, 2016 [arXiv]
M Stella and M Brede, Mental lexicon growth modelling reveals the multiplexity of the english language, arXiv:1604.01243, 267-279, 2016 [doi][arXiv]
R Takahira, K Tanaka-Ishii, and L Dk ebowski, Entropy rate estimates for natural {language---a} new extrapolation of compressed {large-scale} corpora, Entropy 18, 364, 2016 [doi]
K Tanaka-Ishii and A Bunde, Long-range} memory in literary texts: on the universal clustering of the rare words, PloS one 11, e0164658, 2016 [doi]
IG Torre, B Luque, L Lacasa, J Luque, and A Hernandez-Fernandez, Emergence of linguistic laws in human voice, arXiv:1610.02736, 1-9, 2016 [arXiv]
H Watanabe, Y Sano, H Takayasu, and M Takayasu, Statistical properties of fluctuations of time series representing the appearance of words in nationwide blog data and their applications: an example of observations and the modelling of fluctuation scalings of nonstationary time series, Physical Review E 94, 1-27, 2016 [doi][arXiv]
JR Williams, JP Bagrow, AJ Reagan, SE Alajajian, CM Danforth, and PS Dodds, Selection models of language production support informed text partitioning: an intuitive and practical, bag-of-phrases framework for text analysis, arXiv:1601.07969, 1-4, 2016 [arXiv]
RR Xie, WB Deng, DJ Wang, and LP Csernai, Quantitative entropy study of language complexity, arXiv:1611.04841, 2016 [arXiv]
H Youn, L Sutton, E Smith, C Moore, JF Wilkins, I Maddieson, W Croft, and T Bhattacharya, On the universal structure of human lexical semantics, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, 1766-1771, 2016 [doi][arXiv]
M Ausloos, O Nedic, A Fronczak, and P Fronczak, Quantifying the quality of peer reviewers through zipf's law, arXiv:1508.05624, 28, 2015 [arXiv]
RA Blythe, Symmetry and universality in language change, arXiv:1508.05297, 1-15, 2015 [arXiv]
RA Blythe, Colloquium: hierarchy of scales in language dynamics, The European physical journal. B 88, 295, 2015 [doi][arXiv]
G Cocho, J Flores, C Gershenson, C Pineda, and S S'anchez, Rank diversity of languages: generic behavior in computational linguistics, PloS one 10, e0121898, 2015 [doi]
F Colaiori, C Castellano, CF Cuskley, V Loreto, M Pugliese, and F Tria, General three-state model with biased population replacement: analytical solution and application to language dynamics, Physical Review E 91, 012808, 2015 [doi]
B Corominas-Murtra, R Hanel, and S Thurner, Understanding scaling through history-dependent processes with collapsing sample space, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112, 5348-5353, 2015 [doi][arXiv]
C Cuskley, F Colaiori, C Castellano, V Loreto, M Pugliese, and F Tria, The adoption of linguistic rules in native and non-native speakers: evidence from a wug task, Journal of memory and language 84, 205-223, 2015 [doi]
W Deng and AE Allahverdyan, Stochastic model for phonemes uncovers an author-dependency of their usage, arXiv:1510.01315, 1-16, 2015 [arXiv]
PS Dodds, EM Clark, S Desu, MR Frank, AJ Reagan, JR Williams, L Mitchell, KD Harris, IM Kloumann, JP Bagrow, K Megerdoomian, MT McMahon, BF Tivnan, and CM Danforth, Reply to garcia et al.: common mistakes in measuring frequency-dependent word characteristics, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, 201505647, 2015 [doi][arXiv]
PS Dodds, EM Clark, S Desu, MR Frank, AJ Reagan, JR Williams, L Mitchell, KD Harris, IM Kloumann, JP Bagrow, K Megerdoomian, MT McMahon, BF Tivnan, and CM Danforth, Human language reveals a universal positivity bias, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1-6, 2015 [doi][arXiv]
Q Feltgen, B Fagard, and J Nadal, Repr{\'e}sentation du langage et mod{\`e}les d'{\'e}volution linguistique : la grammaticalisation comme perspective, Traitement Automatique des Langues, 2015
R Ferrer-i-Cancho, C Bentz, and C Seguin, Compression and the origins of zipf's law of abbreviation, arXiv:1504.04884, 2015 [arXiv]
F Font-Clos and ' Corral, Log-log} convexity of {type-token} growth in zipf's systems, Physical review letters 114, 238701, 2015 [doi][arXiv]
J Fortuny and B Corominas-Murtra, Introduction. on the locus of ambiguity and the design of language, The Linguistic Review 32, 1-4, 2015 [doi]
D Garcia, A Garas, and F Schweitzer, The language-dependent relationship between word happiness and frequency, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201502909, 2015 [doi]
L Guzm'an-Vargas, B Obreg'on-Quintana, D Aguilar-Vel'azquez, R Hern'andez-P'erez, and L Liebovitch, Word-length} correlations and memory in large texts: a visibility network analysis, Entropy 17, 7798-7810, 2015 [doi]
DG Hern'andez, DH Zanette, and I Samengo, Information-theoretical analysis of the statistical dependencies among three variables: applications to written language, Physical Review E 92, 022813, 2015 [doi][arXiv]
M Kalimeri, V Constantoudis, C Papadimitriou, K Karamanos, FK Diakonos, and H Papageorgiou, Word-length entropies and correlations of natural language written texts, Journal of quantitative linguistics 22, 101-118, 2015 [doi][arXiv]
V Kargin, On variation of word frequencies in russian literary texts, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 1-7, 2015 [doi][arXiv]
A Kulig, S Dro zd z, J Kwapie'n, and P O'swiȩcimka, Modeling the average shortest-path length in growth of word-adjacency networks, Physical Review E 91, 2015 [doi][arXiv]
A Lancichinetti, MI Sirer, JX Wang, D Acuna, K K"ording, and LAN Amaral, High-reproducibility} and {high-accuracy} method for automated topic classification, Physical Review X 5, 011007, 2015 [doi]
R Lin, C Bian, and DYQ Ma, Scaling laws in human speech, decreasing emergence of new words and a generalized model, 1-14, 2015
J Luque, B Luque, and L Lacasa, Speech earthquakes: scaling and universality in human voice, Journal of the Royal Society, Interface / the Royal Society 12, 20141344, 2015 [doi]
A Mariano, G Parisi, and S Pascazio, Language discrimination and clustering via a neural network approach, arXiv:1507.04116, 1-10, 2015 [arXiv]
MA Montemurro and DH Zanette, Complexity and universality in the long-range order of words, arXiv:1503.01129v1, 2015 [arXiv]
EA Pechenick, CM Danforth, and PS Dodds, Is language evolution grinding to a halt?: exploring the life and death of words in english fiction, arXiv:1503.03512v1, 1-12, 2015 [arXiv]
EA Pechenick, CM Danforth, and PS Dodds, Characterizing the google books corpus: strong limits to inferences of {socio-cultural} and linguistic evolution, PloS one 10, e0137041, 2015 [doi][arXiv]
AJ Reagan, B Tivnan, JR Williams, CM Danforth, and PS Dodds, Benchmarking sentiment analysis methods for large-scale texts: a case for using continuum-scored words and word shift graphs, arXiv:1512.00531, 2015 [arXiv]
J Ryland Williams, PR Lessard, S Desu, EM Clark, JP Bagrow, CM Danforth, and P Sheridan Dodds, Zipf's law holds for phrases, not words, Scientific reports 5, 12209, 2015 [doi][arXiv]
FN Silva, DR Amancio, M Bardosova, ON Oliveira, and LDF Costa, Using network science and text analytics to produce surveys in a scientific topic, arXiv:1506.05690, 1-10, 2015 [arXiv]
K Siva, J Tao, and M Marcolli, Spin glass models of syntax and language evolution, arXiv:1508.00504, 19, 2015 [arXiv]
S Thurner, R Hanel, and B Corominas-Murtra, Understanding zipf's law of word frequencies through sample-space collapse in sentence formation, Journal of the Royal Society, Interface / the Royal Society 12, 20150330, 2015 [doi]
F Tria, VDPP Servedio, SS Mufwene, and V Loreto, Modeling the emergence of contact languages, PloS one 10, e0120771, 2015 [doi]
JR Williams, JP Bagrow, CM Danforth, and PS Dodds, Text mixing shapes the anatomy of rank-frequency distributions, Physical Review E 91, 5, 2015 [doi][arXiv]
JR Williams, EM Clark, JP Bagrow, CM Danforth, and PS Dodds, Identifying missing dictionary entries with frequency-conserving context models, Physical Review E 92, 042808, 2015 [doi][arXiv]
J Yun, P Kim, and H Jeong, Anatomy of scientific evolution, PloS one 10, e0117388, 2015 [doi][arXiv]
V Bochkarev, V Solovyev, and S Wichmann, Universals versus historical contingencies in lexical evolution, Journal of the Royal Society, Interface / the Royal Society 11, 20140841-20140841, 2014 [doi]
VV Bochkarev, EY Lerner, and AV Shevlyakova, Deviations in the zipf and heaps laws in natural languages, Journal of physics. Conference series 490, 012009, 2014 [doi]
DT Citron and P Ginsparg, Patterns of text reuse in a scientific corpus, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, 201415135, 2014
R Colucci, J Mira, JJ Nieto, and MV Otero-Espinar, Coexistence in exotic scenarios of a modified {abrams-strogatz} model, Complexity, 2014 [doi]
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