Sample calculations of the p-canonical basis:
- Some 2-canonical basis elements.
- Some 2-canonical basis elements
specialised at v = 1.
- Some 3-canonical basis elements.
- Some 3-canonical basis elements
specialised at v = 1.
- Some second generation 3-canonical basis elements
specialised at v = 1.
- Some 5-canonical basis elements.
- Some 5-canonical basis elements
specialised at v = 1.
- Some 7-canonical basis elements.
- Some 7-canonical basis elements
specialised at v = 1.
Some triples pictures:
- Triples for p = 3, (all generations).
- Triples for higher
generations in terms of second generation (p = 3).
- Triples for second
generation, p = 5.
- Triples for all
generations, p = 5.
- Triples for second
generation, p = 5, v = 1.
- Triples for second
generation, p = 5, ignoring coefficients.
- Triples for all
generations, p = 7.