SMS scnews item created by Alex Sherman at Thu 16 May 2024 1203
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 15 Aug 2024
Calendar1: 24 May 2024 1200-1300
CalLoc1: SMRI Seminar Room (Macleay Building A12 Room 301)
CalTitle1: Algebra Seminar: A combinatorial study of Harder--Narasimhan filtrations
Auth: alexs@ (ashe8718) in SMS-SAML

Algebra Seminar: Asilata Bapat -- A combinatorial study of Harder--Narasimhan filtrations

Asilata Bapat (ANU) will be speaking in the algebra seminar next week.  We will go out
for lunch after the talk.  

When: Friday 24 May, 12-1pm 

Where: SMRI seminar room (Macleay Building (A12) room 301) 

Title: A combinatorial study of Harder--Narasimhan filtrations 

Abstract: A choice of a stability condition on a category gives rise to a canonical
filtration of any object, with semistable factors.  This is called the
Harder--Narasimhan (HN) filtration.  Under suitable assumptions, the possible HN
filtration factors of an object are highly and non-trivially constrained.  Furthermore,
these possible "HN support sets" have a rich combinatorial structure.  In this talk, I
will elaborate on some of these ideas.