SMS scnews item created by Boris Lishak at Mon 15 Oct 2018 1404
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World Calendar1: 17 Oct 2018 1200-1300 CalLoc1: Carslaw 830
CalTitle1: Martinelli -- An introduction to the birational geometry of moduli spaces of stable objects
Geometry and Topology Seminar
An introduction to the birational geometry of moduli spaces of stable objects
Diletta Martinelli (Edinburgh)
Please join us for lunch at 1 p.m.
I will explain how hyperkaehler varieties arise as one of the building blocks in the birational classification of algebraic varieties. Then I will describe how recent advances have made possible to apply the machinery of wall-crossing and stability conditions on derived categories, originally developed by Tom Bridgeland to formalize concepts arising from string theory, to study the birational geometry of hyperkaehler varieties of K3-type. I will keep the talk to an introductory/motivational level, more than focusing on the technicalities of the subjects.
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