We wish to invite you to join a special presentation by Professor Nalini Joshi, University of Sydney, who will describe a new ARC Centre of Excellence proposal in Mathematics for Quantum Era Security and Trust (MathQuEST). The proposal recently passed the ARC's Expression of Interest stage. It will be led by the University of Sydney with Nodes at four Australian institutions including UTS. Youming Qiao (FEIT) and Murray Elder (Science) are the Chief Investigators at UTS. The presentation is open to anyone who is interested to find out about the Centre. Wednesday 19 March 2025 2pm-3pm CB07.02.025 (Green Lecture Theatre, Building 7 Level 2, one level below ground level, underneath Cornerstone Cafe, elevator to Level 2 from Level 3 at the back of the cafe). Below is a very brief description of the centre: The ARC Centre of Excellence in Mathematics for Quantum Era Security and Trust (MathQuEST) strives to build critical expertise to protect against the expected breakdown of cybersecurity protocols on quantum computers and build trust in artificial intelligence. Deep, untapped reservoirs of mathematical problems and structures will be mined to establish complexity foundations for security and create accelerated methods for AI. MathQuEST will assemble leading researchers from diverse disciplines to deliver a mathematically trained, technologically agile workforce, ensuring Australia’s preparedness for grand challenges arising from future quantum computers with dual-use impact across agriculture, defence, health and industry. There are 3 themes: Computation – addressing mathematical questions through computational advances Security – post-quantum and quantum cryptography, public-key algorithms Trust – privacy, data, quantum algorithms for searching at scale, ML and AI