SMS scnews item created by Daniel Daners at Tue 23 Mar 2010 1200
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 29 Mar 2010
Calendar1: 29 Mar 2010 1500-1600
CalLoc1: Carslaw 273

PDE Seminar

Lower bounds for the fundamental gap


Julie Clutterbuck
Australian National University
29 March 2010, 3-4pm, Carslaw Room 273


We consider the eigenvalues of a Schr�dinger operator with convex potential on a convex domain. The Gap Conjecture states that the difference between the first two eigenvalues has a lower bound approached by a long, thin, rectangular domain with constant potential. In joint work with Ben Andrews, we prove this conjecture. Our method also characterises the gap for non-convex potentials.

Check also the PDE Seminar page. Enquiries to Florica C�rstea or Daniel Daners.

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