SMS scnews item created by Emi Tanaka at Fri 21 Sep 2018 2035
Type: Other
Distribution: World
Expiry: 19 Oct 2018
Calendar1: 19 Oct 2018 1800-2030
Auth: (etan2085) in SMS-WASM

SSA NSW Young Statisticians and Data Scientist Careers Networking Evening

The NSW branch of the Statistical Society of Australia warmly invites all undergraduate, postgraduate and early career statisticians and data scientists to attend our annual Young Statisticians Careers & Networking Evening on Friday, October 19th, 2018.

Please forward this invitation to those who may be interested, in particular to students or early career statisticians or data scientists.

This year we have spectacular speakers from financial, government, academic and consultancy services. The speakers will share stories from their careers and provide insights into their professions. For example, have you wondered what you can do after doing a statistics degree; what it is like to transition from mathematics to statistics; or what other statistics professions are like, then this event is for you!

After the talks, there will be plenty of time to chat with the speakers over drinks and food and to connect with people from many different areas of statistics, including government, industry and academia. Come join us to discover how analytical techniques translate into pragmatic problem-solving in the real world!

Dr. Joanna Wang, Research Statistician, NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (Previously at UTS and UNSW)
Lucy Snowball, Statistical Consultant and Principal Evaluator, NSW Department of Education and Communities
Dr. Joshua Ching, Data Scientist, QBE Insurance
Dr. Wilson Chen, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, UTS
Dr. Stephen Bush, Senior Manager, Commonwealth Bank

FREE for SSA members (you need to have a valid SSA membership on 19th October 2018; your name will be checked on the day of the event with the membership registry).
20(+1.97 fee) for non-members.
You must have a valid ticket for entry whether a member or not. Get your ticket by registering here on eventbrite

Date: Friday, 19 October 2018
6:00pm - 6:30pm: Refreshments, drinks and food
6:30pm - 7:30pm: Talks
7:30pm onwards: Informal Q&A over drinks and food

Venue: Aerial UTS Function Centre,235 Jones Street, Building 10, Level 7, Ultimo, NSW 2007

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