SMS scnews item created by Florica Cirstea at Fri 28 Aug 2009 1407
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 31 Aug 2009 Calendar1: 31 Aug 2009 1500-1600 CalLoc1: Carslaw 454
Auth: florica@p7192.pc (assumed)
PDE Seminar: Santra -- Asymptotic behavior of solutions of the Ren-Wei problem under Dirichlet boundary conditions
Speaker: Sanjiban Santra, University of Sydney
3pm-4pm, Monday, 31 August 2009, Carslaw 454
Title: Asymptotic behavior of solutions of the Ren-Wei problem under Dirichlet boundary
Abstract: We discuss the blow up phenomena of bounded integrable solutions of a
semilinear fourth order elliptic problem with a large exponent under Dirichlet boundary
conditions. We extend the results obtained by Ren-Wei problem for the biharmonic case.
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