Hello SUMS members, Thanks to all those who turned up to Duncan's talk on gender-challenged fish. It was great to see some biologists show up as well (how on Earth did they know about the talk????). This week we have a talk by somebody that I've known for a very long time, Robert Tang, on Kaleidoscopes and Tessellations: "A kaleidoscope is tube consisting of mirrors creating beautiful and highly symmetrical patterns. A three-mirror model yields a tiling of the plane by triangles with reflective symmetry about any edge of any triangle. We will classify the possible tilings of the Euclidean plane arising in this manner. These symmetries are realisations of the Euclidean triangle groups. We will then extend our investigation to such triangular tilings of the surface of the sphere and the hyperbolic plane and their respective triangle groups." Also, the SUMS Cake Bake will be held in approximately 3 weeks time, on FRIDAY, April 24 (time to be determined later, likely 1-2pm). At a Cake Bake, people bake cakes (really????) beforehand, and bring them to uni. They will then be judged in 2 categories: Best Tasting, and Most Interesting Mathematical Reference. Last year we had an AWESOME cake of a Casio Calculator that won both categories. Each category winner will win a prize. Then, after judging, the participants and audience eat the cakes, and a jolly good time is had by all. Hopefully you all now know what a Cake Bake is now, I will be providing more details in the next email though, if you are still confused. In any case, I hope to see you on Wednesday! Talk: Kaleidoscopes and Tessellations Speaker: Robert Tang Location: Carslaw 452 Date/Time: Wednesday April 8, 1-2pm SUMS President “Hamilton contributed over fifty per cent to the proof of the Poincaré conjecture; the Russian, Perelman, about twenty-five per cent; and the Chinese, Yau, Zhu, and Cao et al., about thirty per cent.” - Yang Le