SMS scnews item created by Hannah Bryant at Tue 1 Aug 2023 1626
Type: Seminar
Modified: Wed 2 Aug 2023 1142; Mon 23 Oct 2023 1245
Distribution: World
Expiry: 8 Dec 2023 Calendar1: 11 Aug 2023 1430-1700 CalLoc1: Quad S223
CalTitle1: D-modules and representation theory
Calendar2: 18 Aug 2023 1430-1700
CalLoc2: Quad S223
CalTitle2: D-modules and representation theory
Calendar3: 25 Aug 2023 1430-1700
CalLoc3: Quad S223
CalTitle3: D-modules and representation theory
Calendar4: 1 Sep 2023 1430-1700
CalLoc4: Quad S223
CalTitle4: D-modules and representation theory
Calendar5: 8 Sep 2023 1430-1700
CalLoc5: Quad S223
CalTitle5: D-modules and representation theory
Calendar6: 15 Sep 2023 1430-1700
CalLoc6: Quad S223
CalTitle6: D-modules and representation theory
Calendar7: 22 Sep 2023 1430-1700
CalLoc7: Quad S223
CalTitle7: D-modules and representation theory
Calendar8: 24 Nov 2023 1430-1700
CalLoc8: Quad S223
CalTitle8: D-modules and representation theory
Calendar9: 6 Oct 2023 1430-1700
CalLoc9: Quad S223
CalTitle9: D-modules and representation theory
Calendar10: 13 Oct 2023 1430-1700
CalLoc10: Quad S223
CalTitle10: D-modules and representation theory
Calendar11: 20 Oct 2023 1430-1700
CalLoc11: Quad S223
CalTitle11: D-modules and representation theory
Calendar12: 27 Oct 2023 1430-1700
CalLoc12: Quad S223
CalTitle12: D-modules and representation theory
Calendar13: 3 Nov 2023 1430-1700
CalLoc13: Quad S223
CalTitle13: D-modules and representation theory
Calendar14: 10 Nov 2023 1430-1700
CalLoc14: Quad S223
CalTitle14: D-modules and representation theory
Calendar15: 17 Nov 2023 1430-1700
CalLoc15: Quad S223
CalTitle15: D-modules and representation theory
Auth: (hbry8683) in SMS-SAML
D-modules and representation theory -- SMRI Seminar Series
D-modules and representation theory
Lecturers: Dragan Milicic, Geordie Williamson + others
Fridays 2.30pm - 5pm
Quad S223 starting Week 2 (August 11).
Abstract: D-modules provide an algebraic language for studying systems of linear partial
differential equations. In some sense the idea goes back to Riemann: rather than
studying some complicated function directly, study the equations which it satisfies and
try relate these equations on different spaces. D-module have found major applications
in representation theory, algebraic analysis, algebraic geometry and mathematical
physics. his course will introduce the basics of the theory of algebraic D-modules
(following some famous notes of Bernstein). The localization theorem of Beilinson and
Bernstein will be discussed in detail. We will then move on to other applications in
representation theory. Namely we hope to explain how certain old results of
Harish-Chandra and Langlands become quite transparent in the language of D-modules.
We will also have a short workshop in the semester break featuring lectures by Kari
Vilonen and Dougal Davis, who have recently used D-modules and mixed Hodge modules to
make progress on fundamental problems in the representation theory of real Lie groups.
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