SMRI Seminar: 'Sperner's Lemma: a generalization with surprising applications' Francis Su (Harvey Mudd College) Date and time: Thursday 14 March, 13:00-14:00 AEDT Location: Law Annex Lecture Theatre 026 and online Register/join for online attendance: Abstract: Who doesn't like one of these three: geometry, topology, and combinatorics? And even if you don't, you will still love Sperner's lemma, which is a combinatorial statement that is equivalent to the Brouwer fixed point theorem in topology. I'll explain what it is, why it's so amazing, give heartwarming old and new proofs, and present a recent generalization tio polytopes that has surprised me with diverse applications: to the study of triangulations, to fair division problems, and the Game of Hex. ---- Please join us after the seminar for SMRI afternoon tea, 2:00-2:45pm every Thursday on the SMRI Terrace (accessed through A14-04-L4.36) ---- Current and past seminar info (including recordings) can be found on the seminars webpage. Other upcoming SMRI events can be found here: SMRI YouTube Channel: