Dear all, Our upcoming AM seminar is held this Wed 28 June at 1pm in F11 Chemistry Lecture Theatre 4. Our speaker is Taylor Klotz (University of Hawai`i at MÄnoa). Talk details follow below: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Using Symmetry to Construct Dynamic Feedback Linearizations of Nonlinear Control Systems 
 Abstract: It is often handy in trajectory planning problems to have a linear control system or linearizable control system. In the case that a control system is ``intrinsically nonlinear" the next best thing is flat outputs or a dynamic feedback linearization. It is also often the case that control systems inspired by nature/engineering have symmetries that may provide insight into many questions about a given control system. It turns out we can use symmetries to probe the existence of dynamic feedback linearizations and even construct them explicitly! I'll present this procedure via an explicit example. If time permits I'll mention a possible application to Darboux integrable PDE. This approach is known as cascade feedback linearizability and is joint work with Peter J. Vassiliou and Jeanne N. Clelland. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An ongoing list of AM seminars is posted here: See you there, Jae Min