SMS scnews item created by John Ormerod at Tue 14 Nov 2017 2202
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 22 Nov 2017
Calendar1: 22 Nov 2017 1400-1500
CalLoc1: Carslaw 173
CalTitle1: The Curious Case of the Disappearing Coverage: a detective story in visualisation
Auth: (jormerod) in SMS-WASM

Statistics Seminar: Charles Gray (La Trobe) -- The Curious Case of the Disappearing Coverage: a detective story in visualisation


Do you identify as a member of the ggplot cohort of statisticians? Did you or your 
students learn statistics in the era of visualisation tools such as R's ggplot 
package? Would it have made a difference to how you engaged with statistical theory? 
In this talk, I'll reflect on learning statistics at the same time as visualisation, 
at the half-way point in my doctoral studies. I'll share how we solved some 
counter-intuitive coverage probability simulation results through visualisation. 
I see this as an opportunity to generate discussion and learn from you: questions, 
comments, and a generally rowdy atmosphere are most welcome.

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