SMS scnews item created by Laurentiu Paunescu at Thu 15 Sep 2011 1131
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 20 Sep 2011
Calendar1: 20 Sep 2011 1200-1300
CalLoc1: Carslaw 707A


Equivalence relations for real analytic function germs

Satoshi Koike

Title : Equivalence relations for real analytic function germs Abstract : Related to a coordinate change, Cr equivalences, 1rω, are natural equivalence relations for real analytic function germs. Lipschitz equivalence is natural also in Lipschitz Geometry. On the other hand, Tzee-Char Kuo has introduced the notion of blow-analytic equivalence towards the classification of real singularities from the viewpoint of their analytic structure. In this talk we discuss the relationship between blow-analytic equivalence and Cr equivalence or Lipschitz equivalence.

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