University of Sydney
School of Mathematics and Statistics
Professor John Perram
Department of Mathematics, Latrobe University
(on leave from the Maersk Institute, University of Southern Denmark)
Non-linear dynamical systems in the undergraduate physics curriculum
Wednesday, 7th March, 2-3pm, Carslaw 275.
In this talk, I will discuss the pendulum and the ideal heat engine as
examples of dynamical systems. In the case of the pendulum, this
approach leads to new, accurate solutions for the motion of both the
simple and spherical pendulum, which reveal a lot of new physics. The
high level of abstraction involved in the ideal heat engine, a crucial
ingredient in understanding the second law of thermodynamics, makes
understanding of this subject difficult. A thermomechanical model of
an isothermal system can be formulated as a 3-dimensional dynamical
system, which shows damped oscillatory approach to equilibrium, and
can be used to test some ideas of Feynman on visualising such