University of Sydney
School of Mathematics and Statistics
Professor Peter A Clarkson
Institute of Mathematics & Statistics,
University of Kent at Canterbury,
Canterbury, CT2 7NF, U K
Email: P.A.Clarkson@ukc.ac.uk
Open Problems in Symmetry Analysis
Wednesday, May 1st, 2-3pm, Carslaw 173.
In this talk I shall discuss some of the important open questions in
the field of symmetry analysis of differential equations. The
``classical method of symmetry reductions'' is the Lie group method
of infinitesimal transformations which dates back to the work of
Sophus Lie in the late nineteenth century. During the past decade or
so there has been considerable interest in various generalizations of
this method, probably due to the increasing availability of symbolic
manipulation programs. In particular I shall discuss some of the
following topics:
- When does the classical Lie group method need to be generalized?
- Algorithms and symbolic manipulation programs for symmetry
- Symmetry reductions for differential-difference and difference
- Nonclassical potential symmetries.
- Lie-Bäcklund symmetries and generalizations.
- The nature of ``nonclassical symmetries''
- ``Ansatz'' methods