Robert Dewar
Department of Theoretical Physics, The Australian National University
Quantum chaos theory and the spectrum of ideal-MHD instabilities in toroidal plasmas
Wednesday 25th, August 14:05-14:55pm,
Carslaw Lecture Theatre 273.
Normal mode analysis is a standard method for analysing the stability
of plasma containment devices. In a fully 3-D plasma containment
system (a stellarator) the toroidal mode number n ceases to be a good
quantum number-all ns within a given mode family being coupled-and the
WKB semiclassical quantisation method breaks down due to chaotic ray
orbits (when MHD is regularised to keep the wave vector finite,
otherwise the rays escape to infinity). In quantum chaos theory,
strong chaos in the semiclassical limit leads to eigenvalue statistics
the same as those of a suitable ensemble of random matrices. For
instance, the probability distribution function for the separation
between neighbouring eigenvalues is as derived from random matrix
theory and goes to zero at zero separation. This contrasts with the
Poissonian distribution found in generic separable systems, showing
that a signature of quantum chaos is level repulsion. In order to
determine whether eigenvalues of the regularised MHD problem obey the
same statistics as those of the Schr�dinger equation in both the
separable 1-D case and the chaotic 3-D cases, we have assembled data
sets of ideal MHD eigenvalues for a Suydam-unstable cylindrical (1-D)
equilibrium and a Mercier-unstable stellarator equilibrium,
regularised by a simple cutoff in the poloidal mode number m. Unlike
the generic separable two-dimensional system, the statistics of the
ideal-MHD spectrum departs somewhat from the Poisson distribution,
even for arbitrarily large m_max. A qualitative understanding of this
can be had from the number-theoretic properties of the magnetic field
rotation number profile. In the 3-D case we find strong evidence of
level repulsion within mode families, but mixing mode families
produces Poissonian statistics.