Xiaofeng Ren
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Utah State University
The density functional theory of diblock copolymers
Wednesday 28th, April 14:05-15:55pm,
Carslaw Building Room 359.
The type A and type B monomers in a diblock copolymer
system often form A-rich and B-rich microdomains. On a larger
scale these phase domains give rise to morphological phases.
The most popular ones are the lamellar, the cylindrical and
the spherical phases.
The lamellar phase is best understood mathematically. For each K
there exists a 1-D local minimizer with K+1 microdomains and K
domain walls. Among these 1-D local minimizers there is the 1-D
global minimizer that has optimal spacing between the domain
walls. These 1-D local minimizers are extended trivially to three
dimensions. Their stability in three dimensions are
studied and their critical eigenvalues found. A 1-D local minimizer is
stable in 3-D only if it has sufficiently many microdomains. The
1-D global minimizer is near the borderline of 3-D stability. This
interesting phenomenon is related to the existence of wriggled
lamellar patterns.
Regarding the cylindrical and spherical phases we show the existence
of ring solutions in two and three dimensions and analyze their
stability. A connection between the diblock copolymer problem
and the Cahn-Hilliard will be discussed.