
Examples for Cartesian and polar coordinates in two dimensions

Example 1

Find the polar coordinates of the point Q(-3, 5) and write down the vector -OQ--> in both Cartesian and polar forms.

              Y   Q(- 3,5)       5             r                       h    - 3                                    X

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Recall that if (x,y) are the Cartesian coordinates of Q and (r,h) are the polar coordinates, then the Cartesian and polar forms of ---> OQ are xi + yj and r cos hi + r sin hj respectively, where
x = r cosh,  y =  rsinh,


     V~ --------          x           y r =   x2 + y2,  cos h = --,  sin h = --.                         r           r

The Cartesian form is therefore ---> OQ = -3i + 5j.

To find the polar form, first find r and h. We have

     V~ -----2----2    V~ --- r =   (- 3)  + 5 =    34


        - 3             5 cosh =   V~ --,  sin h =  V~ --.           34             34

Note that h is in the second quadrant (x negative, y positive). Using the inverse cosine function on a calculator, we obtain (in radians)

       - 1 --3-- h = cos   ( V~  34)  ~~  2.11.

Hence the polar form of - --> OQ is  V~ ---   34 cos 2.11i +  V~ ---   34 sin 2.11j

Example 2

Find the Cartesian form of the vector ---> OQ whose polar form is

-OQ--> =  3cos 200oi + 3 sin 200oj.


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This time we find x and y from the polar coordinates. We have
                      o x =  rcos h = 3cos 200   ~~  - 2.82


                     o y =  rsinh = 3 sin 200   ~~  - 1.03.

Therfore the Cartesian form of -O-->Q is -2.82i - 1.03j. Find the polar form of the vector ---> OQ whose Cartesian form is

-2.82i - 1.03j.

Notice that this is just the reverse of the previous problem, included here to illustrate that care is needed to find the polar angle h, especially when it’s in the third quadrant.

Q( -2.8XY2hr,- 1.03)


     V~ -------------------- r =   (- 2.82)2 + (-1.03)2  ~~  3.0022.

As cos h = x- r and sin h = y- r, we see that

cos h = - 0.939311,   sin h = -0.343081.

Note also that

        sinh    y tan h = ----- = --=  0.365248.         cos h   x

The difficulty with using a calculator to find h is that the inverse cosine function returns values between 0 and p, while the inverse sine and inverse tan functions return values between -p/2 and p/2. So to obtain a positive angle in the third quadrant, we must make an adjustment to the calculator output. With the calculator in radian mode, any one of the three formulas

h = 2p - cos- 1(- 0.939311)            -1 h = p - sin  (- 0.343081) h = p + tan- 1(0.365248)

will give the right answer, which in radians is h = 3.492 (or in degrees approximately 200°).

Example 3

Find the vector v of magnitude 2 in the direction of the vector r = 3i - j.

Y                      3                         X  1          r                       (3,-1)

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First calculate the length of r.
       V~ -2--------2   V~ --- |r|=    3  + (- 1) =   10

Therefore the unit vector ^r in the same direction as r is

^r =   V~ 3-i-   V~ 1-j       10       10

Multiplying ^r by 2 gives the required vector,

v =  V~ -6-i-  V~ -2-j.       10      10