Teaching and Learning

USyd undergrad courses

  • 12 credit point of intermediate maths
  • MATH3963 Differential Equations and Biomathematics (Advanced)
    • Description: The theory of ordinary differential equations is a classical topic going back to Newton and Leibniz. It comprises a vast number of ideas and methods of different nature. The theory has many applications and stimulates new developments in almost all areas of mathematics. The applications in this unit will be drawn from predator-prey systems, transmission of diseases, chemical reactions, beating of the heart and other equations and systems from mathematical biology. The emphasis is on qualitative analysis including phase-plane methods, bifurcation theory and the study of limit cycles. The more theoretical part includes existence and uniqueness theorems, stability analysis, linearization, and hyperbolic critical points, and omega limit sets.

  • STAT 3011 Stochastic Processes and Time Series
    • Description: Section I of this course will introduce the fundamental concepts of applied stochastic processes and Markov chains used in financial mathematics, mathematical statistics, applied mathematics and physics. Section II of the course establishes some methods of modeling and analysing situations which depend on time. Fitting ARMA models for certain time series are considered from both theoretical and practical points of view. Throughout the course we will use the S-PLUS (or R) statistical packages to give analyses and graphical displays.

  • STAT 3911 Stochastic Processes and Time Series
    • Description: This is an Advanced version of STAT3011. There will be 3 lectures in common with STAT3011. In addition to STAT3011 material, theory on branching processes and birth and death processes will be covered. There will be more advanced tutorial and assessment work associated with this unit.
  • MATH2962 Real and Complex Analysis
    • Description: Analysis is one of the fundamental topics underlying much of mathematics including differential equations, dynamical systems, differential geometry, topology and Fourier analysis. Starting off with an axiomatic description of the real number system, this first course in analysis concentrates on the limiting behaviour of infinite sequences and series on the real line and the complex plane. These concepts are then applied to sequences and series of functions, looking at point-wise and uniform convergence. Particular attention is given to power series leading into the theory of analytic functions and complex analysis. Topics in complex analysis include elementary functions on the complex plane, the Cauchy integral theorem, Cauchy integral formula, residues and related topics with applications to real integrals.
  • MATH2961 Linear algebra & Vector Calculus
    • Description: LA: This unit is an advanced version of MATH2061, with more emphasis on the underlying concepts and on mathematical rigour. Topics from linear algebra focus on the theory of vector spaces and linear transformations. The connection between matrices and linear transformations is studied in detail. Determinants, introduced in first year, are revised and investigated further, as are eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The calculus component of the unit includes local maxima and minima, Lagrange multipliers, the inverse function theorem and Jacobians. There is an informal treatment of multiple integrals: double integrals, change of variables, triple integrals, line and surface integrals, Green's theorem and Stokes' theorem.
  • MATH2965 Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
    • Description: PDE: This unit of study is essentially an Advanced version of MATH2065, the emphasis being on solutions of differential equations in applied mathematics. The theory of ordinary differential equations is developed for second order linear equations, including series solutions, special functions and Laplace transforms. Some use is made of computer programs such as Mathematica. Methods for PDEs (partial differential equations) and boundary-value problems include separation of variables, Fourier series and Fourier transforms.
  • MATH3962 Rings, Fields and Galois Theory (Advanced)(assumed knowledge)
    • Description: This unit of study investigates the modern mathematical theory that was originally developed for the purpose of studying polynomial equations. The philosophy is that it should be possible to factorize any polynomial into a product of linear factors by working over a "large enough" field (such as the field of all complex numbers). Viewed like this, the problem of solving polynomial equations leads naturally to the problem of understanding extensions of fields. This in turn leads into the area of mathematics known as Galois theory. The basic theoretical tool needed for this program is the concept of a ring, which generalizes the concept of a field. The course begins with examples of rings, and associated concepts such as subrings, ring homomorphisms, ideals and quotient rings. These tools are then applied to study quotient rings of polynomial rings. The final part of the course deals with the basics of Galois theory, which gives a way of understanding field extensions.

  • STAT2012 or STAT2912 Statistical Tests (Normal or Advanced)
    • Description: ST: This unit provides an introduction to the standard methods of statistical analysis of data: Tests of hypotheses and confidence intervals, including t-tests, analysis of variance, regression - least squares and robust methods, power of tests, non-parametric tests, non-parametric smoothing, tests for count data, goodness of fit, contingency tables. Graphical methods and diagnostic methods are used throughout with all analyses discussed in the context of computation with real data using an interactive statistical package.
    • Advanced: This course will introduce the fundamental concepts of analysis of data from both observational studies and experimental designs using classical linear methods, together with concepts of collection of data and design of experiments. First we will consider linear models and regression methods with diagnostics for checking appropriateness of models. We will look briefly at robust regression methods here. Then we will consider the design and analysis of experiments considering notions of replication, randomization and ideas of factorial designs. Throughout the course we will use the R statistical package to give analyses and graphical displays.

  • STAT2003 or STAT2903 Statistical Models (Normal or Advanced)
    • SM: This unit provides an introduction to univariate techniques in data analysis and the most common statistical distributions that are used to model patterns of variability. Common discrete random models like the binomial, Poisson and geometric and continuous models including the normal and exponential will be studied. The method of moments and maximum likelihood techniques for fitting statistical distributions to data will be explored. The unit will have weekly computer classes where candidates will learn to use a statistical computing package to perform simulations and carry out computer intensive estimation techniques like the bootstrap method.

Updated on Oct 15, 2010 by Masahiro Takatsuka (Version 3)