Teaching and Learning

La Trobe University

Unit Code:MAT3DQ
Credit Points:15
Unit Description:The first component of this unit, dynamics, is concerned with the Hamiltonian description of classical mechanics (in contrast with MAT2MEC, which looks at the Newtonian description). The approach due to Hamilton allows the dynamics to be derived from a scalar function (the Hamiltonian) and reveals more of the structure and underlying principles which govern the dynamics. Topics include conservation laws and canonical transformations. The second component is quantum mechanics and we use the Hamiltonian treatment of the classical central force problem of gravity (the Kepler problem) and electrostatics (the Coulomb problem) to bridge the gap between classical and quantum mechanics. Topics include energy eigenvalue problems in one, two and three dimensions and the hydrogen atom is treated as the quantisation of the classical Coulomb problem.
Prerequisites:MAT2MEC or (MAT2AM and MAT2APD)
Class Requirements:two 1-hour lectures and one 1-hour tutorial per week
Work Experience Indicator:Not undertaking work experience in industry

Coordinator: Dr Geoff Prince

Unit Code:MAT3DS
Credit Points:15
Special Conditions:Assessment and class requirements depend upon number of students enrolled. If more than 16 students enrolled, assessment will be one 3-hour examination (80%), four assignments (20%) and class requirements: three 1-hour lectures per week.
Unit Description:This unit is a continuation and expansion of MAT2PDM/MAT2ALL. Further applications of finite groups to counting problems will be given. Finite fields and their applications will be discussed. The applications of ring theory to the classification of cyclic codes will be presented. Approximately half the unit will be devoted to ordered sets, lattices and Boolean algebras. Applications of lattices to concept analysis and applications of ordered sets to computer science will be discussed.
Prerequisites:MAT2PDM or MAT2AAL
Class Requirements:three 1-hour problem sessions per week
Work Experience Indicator:Not undertaking work experience in industry

Coordinator: Dr Brian Davey

Unit Code:MAT3LPG
Credit Points:15
Unit Description:Linear Programing and Game Theory are relatively new branches of mathematics. Linear Programming involves maximising and minimising a linear function subject to inequality and equality constraints. Such problems have many economic and industrial applications. Game Theory deals with decision making in a competitive environment. This unit studies the simplex technique for solving linear programming problems and gives an introduction to game theory and its applications.
Prerequisites:MAT21LA or MAT21ELA or MAT2LAL
Class Requirements:26 lectures and 13 tutorials
Work Experience Indicator:Not undertaking work experience in industry

Coordinator: Dr Grant Cairns

Unit Code:MAT3MFM
Credit Points:15
Special Conditions:This subject is delivered in fully on-line mode. Each fortnight lecture notes will be posted on-line. There will be worked problems each fortnight with answers available in a separate format. A bulletin board discussion will be provoked twice weekly. All emails will be guaranteed a response within 48 hours of receipt. The examination will be supplied on-line with defined start and end times.
Unit Description:An introduction to incompressible fluid flow, with emphasis on the structure of basic approximations in the theory of fluids and solutions of problems using the approximations. The unit is fully online.
Prerequisites:(MAT21AVC or MAT2AVC) and (MAT3CZ or MAT3CZE)
Class Requirements:online work equivalent to two 1-hour lectures and one 4-hour problem-solving session per week.
Work Experience Indicator:Not undertaking work experience in industry

Coordinator: Prof. Ed Smith

Unit Code:MAT4AA
Credit Points:15.0
Special Conditions:This unit is offered subject to sufficient enrolments.
Unit Description:This unit examines how we can describe a function as its argument becomes large. We first define the language of asymptotics and then consider various techniques for obtaining asymptotic expansions. This unit also introduces or expands your knowledge of special functions, such as the Bessel functions and the Airy functions.
Prerequisites:MAT31CZ or MAT3CZ; and requires co-ordinators approval
Incompatibles:MAT41AA, MAT42AA
Class Requirements:two 1-hour seminars per week requiring extensive preparation for class presentations
Work Experience Indicator:Not undertaking work experience in industry

Coordinator: Prof. Ed Smith

Unit Code:MAT4AMP
Credit Points:15.0
Special Conditions:Offered subject to sufficient enrolments.
Unit Description:This unit introduces students to mathematical modelling using some of the computer-based tools available to the professional applied mathematician. Models in various areas of application, such as heat and mass transport, financial mathematics, biomathematics, statistical mechanics and dynamic systems are considered. Students will complete projects in these topics through integrated use of Fortran programming for numerical analysis, Maple programming for symbolical computation and graphics, advanced spreadsheet use for data manipulations and a text processing package for mathematical document preparation. This unit is an honours version of the existing subject, MAT3AMP. A higher level of understanding will be expected.
Prerequisites:(MAT2AM or MAT2MEC) and (MAT3NA or MAT3SC)
Incompatibles:MAT32AMP, MAT3AMP
Class Requirements:One 1-hour lecture and two hours of computer laboratory sessions per week
Work Experience Indicator:Not undertaking work experience in industry

Coordinator: Dr Geoff Prince

Unit Code:MAT4CI
Credit Points:15.0
Special Conditions:Offered subject to sufficient enrolments.
Unit Description:When does a problem have an effective algorithmic solution? What does it mean for an algorithm to be effective? In this unit we attempt to give rigorous meaning to questions of this type and investigate some possible answers. Abstract computing machines and their role in the definitions of various notions of computational complexity will be discussed. Classes of problems such as P, NP will be defined and a number of well known problems in graph theory, algebra and applied discrete mathematics will be classified according to their computational complexity. The second half of the unit covers undecidability for decision problems: problems for which no algorithmic solution is possible. This property is found amongst problems from computing, abstract algebra, combinatorics, matrices and the theory of tilings.
Prerequisites:MAT1DM and MAT2AAL and MAT1CLA, or any third year mathematics unit and requires co-ordinators approval
Class Requirements:Two 1-hour seminars per week requiring extensive preparation for class presentations
Work Experience Indicator:Not undertaking work experience in industry

Coordinator: Dr Marcel Jackson

Unit Code:MAT4DS
Credit Points:15
Special Conditions:Offered subject to sufficient enrolments.
Unit Description:What is chaos? How does it arise in dynamical systems? What other dynamical phenomena exist, or to put it slightly differently: what are the different kinds of dynamical systems? If one has a differential equation that exhibits chaos, how should one solve it? These are some of the ingredients of this unit. The exact mix of ingredients is adjusted from year to year, depending on students' interest and background.
Prerequisites:At least 30 credit points of second or third year mathematics units and requires co-ordinators approval
Class Requirements:Two 1-hour seminars per week requiring extensive preparation for class presentations
Work Experience Indicator:Not undertaking work experience in industry

Coordinator: Prof. Reinout Quispel

Unit Code:MAT4DT
Credit Points:15.0
Special Conditions:Offered subject to sufficient enrolments.
Unit Description:The unit will begin with a primer on category theory, general algebra and topology. The aim will be to emphasize the algebra and use, but down-play, the category theory and topology. We shall cover the general theory of dualities (between classes of algebras and classes of topological relational structures). The theory will be applied to prove the classical dualities for Abelian groups and Boolean algebras, the neo-classical duality for distributive lattices and a host of other less familiar dualities as well. Applications of duality theory will also be presented.
Prerequisites:MAT3DS and MAT3TA and requires co-ordinators approval
Class Requirements:Three 1-hour seminars per week requiring extensive preparation for class presentations
Work Experience Indicator:Not undertaking work experience in industry

Coordinator: Dr Brian Davey

Unit Code:MAT4GA
Credit Points:15.0
Special Conditions:Offered subject to sufficient enrolments.
Unit Description:General algebra, otherwise known as universal algebra, provides a theory within which to study the common features of all algebraic systems such as vector spaces, groups, rings, lattices and semigroups. The unit will present all of the basic results in the theory as well as providing an intoduction to important recent developments. The close relationship between general algebra and lattice theory will be emphasised throughout.
Prerequisites:MAT3DS and requires co-ordinators approval
Class Requirements:Three 1-hour seminars per week requiring extensive preparation for class presentations
Work Experience Indicator:Not undertaking work experience in industry
Available to 'Study Abroad' students:Y
Recommended Prior Studies:MAT3TA

Coordinator: Dr Brian Davey

Unit Code:MAT4GG
Unit Short Title:GROUP ACTIONS
Credit Points:15.0
Special Conditions:Offered subject to sufficient enrolments.
Unit Description:This unit studies the foundations of the theory of group actions. In doing so, it touches on a selection of topics which display interconnections between geometry, group theory, topology and calculus.
Prerequisites:MAT3TA and MAT3DS and requires co-ordinators approval
Class Requirements:Two 1-hour seminars per week requiring extensive preparation for class presentations.
Work Experience Indicator:Not undertaking work experience in industry

Coordinator: Dr Grant Cairns

Unit Code:MAT4GM
Credit Points:15.0
Special Conditions:Offered subject to sufficient enrolments.
Unit Description:This unit aims to show how geometric symmetry of the solutions of differential equations can be used to find those solutions using integrating factors. These integrating factors exist for all ordinary differential equations, not just the ones you learnt about in first year Mathematics. The mathematics developed includes: calculus on manifolds, one-parameter Lie groups and flows, exterior calculus and of course lots of differential equation theory. Computer algebra is used, though no prior knowledge is required.
Prerequisites:MAT3AC and requires co-ordinators approval
Class Requirements:Two 1-hour lectures per week
Work Experience Indicator:Not undertaking work experience in industry

Coordinator: Dr Geoff Prince

Unit Code:MAT4MFM
Credit Points:15.0
Special Conditions:Offered subject to sufficient enrolments.
Unit Description:An introduction to incompressible fluid flow, with emphasis on the structure of basic approximation in the theory of fluids. Solution of problems using the approximations. This unit is fully online. This unit is a substantial extension of the third year subject, MAT3MFM. A higher level of understanding will be expected.
Prerequisites:MAT2AVC and MAT3CZ and requires co-ordinators approval
Incompatibles:MAT40HON, MAT32MFM
Class Requirements:Online work equivalent to two 1-hour lectures and one 4-hour problem solving session per week
Work Experience Indicator:Not undertaking work experience in industry

Coordinator: Prof Edgar Smith

Unit Code:MAT4NT
Unit Short Title:NUMBER THEORY
Credit Points:15
Special Conditions:This unit will be offered subject to sufficient enrolments.
Unit Description:We will commence this unit with an introduction to number theory. In the later parts of the unit we will treat topics such as congruences, residues, continued fractions, diophantine equations, transcendental numbers, and/or primality and factoring. Depending on student interest and time constraints, we may also touch on tantalizing connections to cryptography and/or one or more of the recent analytic and algorithmic advances in the areas of Mersenne primes, the Riemann hypothesis, and primality proving. This unit will be accessible and interesting to a varied audience, including students with interests in applied mathematics, pure mathematics, or computer science.
Prerequisites:MAT1DM and MAT2AAL and MAT1CLA, or 30 credit points of second year units, or any third year mathematics unit and requires co-ordinators approval
Class Requirements:two 1-hour lectures per week requiring extensive preparation
Work Experience Indicator:Not undertaking work experience in industry

Coordinator: Prof. Reinout Quispel

Updated on Oct 15, 2010 by Scott Spence (Version 4)