Study mathematics and statistics - Faculty of Science
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Mathematics and statistics 

Develop skills in logical analysis, clear thinking and problem solving
Maths and statistics underpins every part of our world, including science, technology, business, commerce, the environment and human nature. Wherever you go and whatever you do, these skills will be critical to your future success.

Mathematics and statistics are vital to understanding every part of our world, including science, technology, business, commerce, the environment, and human nature.

No matter which courses you choose, you will develop skills in logical analysis, clear thinking, and problem solving. Wherever you go and whatever you do, these skills will all be critical to your future success.

Choose how much mathematics and statistics you study in your degree by selecting one of our degrees dedicated to these disciplines, or choosing a program, major, minor or electives in these areas in another course.

Why study mathematics and statistics with us?

Mathematics has been part of the fabric of Sydney since its foundation more than 150 years ago. Now we have thousands of students studying with us each year.

Our new curriculum puts a strong emphasis on problem solving and critical thinking, which are vital graduate attributes.

Whether you are intending to major in mathematics and statistics, or another field such as music, neuroscience, commerce, or psychology, our degree programs will prepare you to deal with everything from solving practical problems to the most abstract of concepts.

You have the opportunity to apply for a number of internships and industry placements. In addition to our Summer Research Scholarships, there are scholarships available through the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute, and internships available with companies in a number of fields.

You can also join the Sydney University Maths Society (also known as ΣUMS or SUMS) – a club for students with an interest in any and all things maths-related. They host a variety of events catered for every kind of maths enthusiast. 

Opportunities for talented students

We offer two exclusive programs to our best students, to provide experience in aspects of recent research.

The Dalyell Scholars Program is a special program of study intended for students of exceptional merit who are enrolled in degrees administered by the Faculty of Science. Entry to the Dalyell program is based on your ATAR. As a Dalyell scholar, you have greater course flexibility, networking opportunities, and an academic mentor from your interest area.

If you love mathematics and you have achieved outstanding results in Mathematics Extension 2, you may be invited to join the Mathematics Special Studies Program. It is a great way to meet other students of similar ability. 

Learn more information about study opportunities, check out our first year handbook (PDF, 332kb).

Maths careers

Our graduates can be found in many settings and roles, including:

  • business analyst
  • bioinformatician
  • data scientist
  • economic modeller
  • energy forecaster
  • game designer
  • health planner
  • quantitative analyst in banking
  • statistician
  • market analyst
  • meteorologist
  • financial analyst
  • teacher (with further study)
  • researcher
  • web analyst