General Information

Due to personal reasons Professor S�ndor Cs�rgő cannot participate in the event. We apologize for this change.

The School of Mathematics and Statistics of The University of Sydney, is organizing a workshop on recent advances in asymptotic probability and statistics. The workshop will be held in the Carlslaw Building, the University of Sydney, Australia, 10-12 December 2007.

The aim of the workshop is to present recent advances and streams of research in such topics like strong approximations, self-normalization, asymptotic expansions, saddlepoint approximations and limit theorems for independent and weakly or strongly dependent random variables.
There will a short series of lectures Detecting changes in time series models given by

  • Lajos Horvath (University of Utah) Speakers include:

    We encourage postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows especially to participate and present their work in the areas covered by our workshop. There is no registration fee. Prospective participants from AMSI member institutions may be also eligible for AMSI funded support for their travel expenses, and should consult their head of department. Please note that after our workshop the University of Technology Sydney is organizing Quantitative Methods in Finance Conference and you may consider to participate in both events.

    The deadline for abstract submission is 30 September 2007

    Organizing Committee

    For enquiries contact

    The event is sponsored by