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Joint workshop on nonlinear PDE's, University of Tohoku and University of Sydney

General Information

This is a joint workshop between the University of Tohoku (Sendai, Japan) and the University of Sydney for post-graduate students and post doctoral fellows fostering scientific exchange.

Organizers of the workshop are:

The workshop takes place on March 9, 2012 at the University of Sydney.


Tohoku University:

  • Tsukasa Iwabuchi, Toru Kan, Yohei Fujishima, Kazushige Nakagawa, Harunori Monobe, Noboru Chikami, Kanako Kobayashi, Erika Ushikoshi, Kouta Uriya, Takayoshi Ogawa, Shinya Okabe

University of Sydney

  • Sanjiban Santra, Kelei Wang, Robert Marangell, Xin Liu


Below is the program. All talks take place in Carslaw Seminar Room 453.

09:00–09:40 Tsukasa Iwabuchi (Tohoku Univ.)
  • Ill-posedness for the nonlinear Schr�dinger equations in one space dimension
09:50–10:30 Sanjiban Santra (Univ. Sydney)
  • Some concentration results of a singular perturbed problem with mixed powers
10:45–11:05 Toru Kan (Tohoku Univ.)
  • Bifurcation structure of the Liouville-Gel’fand equation for a two-dimensional annular domain
11:10–11:30 Kelei Wang (Univ. Sydney)
  • Partial regularity of stable solutions for some supercritical problems
11:35–11:55 Yohei Fujishima (Tohoku Univ.)
  • Blow-up set for a semilinear heat equation with exponential nonlinearity
14:00–14:40 Kazushige Nakagawa (Tohoku Univ.)
  • On the Phragm�n-Lindel�f theorem for Lp-viscosity solutions of fully nonlinear PDEs with unbounded ingredients
14:50–15:10 Robert Marangell (Univ. Sydney)
  • Instability and stability in periodic traveling waves in the Sine-Gordon Equation
15:15–15:35 Harunori Monobe (Tohoku Univ.)
  • On a Stefan-like problem related to cell crawling
15:40–16:00 Xin Liu (Univ. Sydney)
  • Tackling structural complexity of fluid knots by Jones polynomials
16:10–17:00 Poster Session
Poster presenters:
Noboru Chikami (Tohoku Univ.)
Local existence and blow-up criterion for the compressible Navier-Stokes-Poisson equations in Besov spaces
Kanako Kobayashi (Tohoku Univ.)
Convection-diffusion equation with absorption and non-decaying initial data
Erika Ushikoshi (Tohoku Univ.)
Hadamard variational formula for the Green function of the boundary value problem on the Stokes equations
Kouta Uriya (Tohoku Univ.)
Modified wave operator for the quadratic nonlinear Schr�dinger system in two space dimensions

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