PreprintGrowth of finitely presented Rees quotients of free inverse semigroupsL.M. Shneerson and D. EasdownAbstractWe prove that a finitely presented Rees quotient of a free inverse semigroup has polynomial growth if and only if it has bounded height. This occurs if and only if the set of nonzero reduced words has bounded Shirshov height and all nonzero reduced but not cyclically reduced words are nilpotent. This occurs also if and only if the set of nonzero geodesic words have bounded Shirshov height. We also give a simple sufficient graphical condition for polynomial growth, which is necessary when all zero relators are reduced. As a final application of our results, we give an inverse semigroup analogue of a classical result that characterises polynomial growth of finitely presented Rees quotients of free semigroups in terms of primitive words that label loops of the Ufnarovsky graph of the presentation. Keywords: free inverse semigroups, Rees quotients, growth, height, Ufnarovsky graph.AMS Subject Classification: Primary 20M05; secondary 20M18, 20M99.
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