
Infinite reduced words and the Tits boundary of a Coxeter group

Thomas Lam and Anne Thomas


Let (W,S) be a finite rank Coxeter system with W infinite. We prove that the limit weak order on the blocks of infinite reduced words of W is encoded by the topology of the Tits boundary TX of the Davis complex X of W. We consider many special cases, including W word hyperbolic, and X with isolated flats. We establish that when W is word hyperbolic, the limit weak order is the disjoint union of weak orders of finite Coxeter groups. We also establish, for each boundary point ξ, a natural order-preserving correspondence between infinite reduced words which "point towards" ξ, and elements of the reflection subgroup of W which fixes ξ.

AMS Subject Classification: Primary 20F55; secondary (primary), 52C35, 20F65 (secondary).

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Tuesday, January 8, 2013