PreprintInvariants of the vacuum module associated with the Lie superalgebra gl(1|1)A. I. Molev and E. E. MukhinAbstractWe describe the algebra of invariants of the vacuum module associated with the affinization of the Lie superalgebra \(\mathfrak{gl}(1|1)\). We give a formula for its Hilbert–Poincaré series in a fermionic (cancellation-free) form which turns out to coincide with the generating function of the plane partitions over the \((1,1)\)-hook. Our arguments are based on a super version of the Beilinson–Drinfeld–Raïs–Tauvel theorem which we prove by producing an explicit basis of invariants of the symmetric algebra of polynomial currents associated with \(\mathfrak{gl}(1|1)\). We identify the invariants with affine supersymmetric polynomials via a version of the Chevalley theorem. This paper is available as a pdf (172kB) file.