Mathematics & Statistics School News

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Joint UNSW-Sydney Uni seminar on Stochastic PDEs: Agus Soenjaya (UNSW) -- Stochastic PDEs Ben Goldys26 Mar
Informal Friday Seminar: Lam -- What is a positive Grassmannian? Catherine Meister26 Mar
Informal Friday Seminar: Chan -- Isomorphisms on sale Catherine Meister19 Mar
SMRI Seminar: Buckmaster -- Singularities in fluid: Self-similar analysis, computer assisted proofs and neural networks Catherine Meister26 Mar
Spaces, Functions and Numbers Seminar: Bejleri -- Compact moduli and degenerations Catherine Meister25 Mar
Spaces, Functions and Numbers Seminar: Kang -- Finding isomorphic quantum field theories Catherine Meister20 Mar
PDE Seminar: Cherniha -- Symmetries and exact solutions of the diffusive Holling-Tanner prey-predator model Daniel Daners25 Mar
Carslaw 175: Sava -- Infinity-Dold-Kan correspondence via representation theory Tom Goertzen24 Mar
Informal Friday Seminar: Hone -- Spectral sequences Catherine Meister19 Mar
Statistics Seminar: Koval -- Computational approaches for optimal experimental design for Bayesian inverse problems Tiangang Cui18 Mar
Computational Algebra Seminar: Duque-Rosero -- An algorithm for Computing Local Heights on Hyperelliptic Curves in Quadratic Chabauty Bill Unger13 Mar
Statistics Seminar: Wacker -- Nested Sampling for Rare Event Estimation Tiangang Cui7 Mar
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Ivan Telpukhovskiy (Tsinghua) -- On canonical ideal cell decompositions of decorated hyperbolic surfaces James Morgan24 Feb
Special Public Lecture: Segerman -- Artistic Mathematics: Truth and Beauty Catherine Meister20 Feb
Seminar -- Deligne-Lusztig Theory Learning Seminar Tom Goertzen18 Feb
Statistics Seminar: Yu -- Veridical data science and alignment in medical AI Tiangang Cui28 Nov
SMRI Special Semester: Chan, Lam, Williamson -- Modern perspectives in representation theory Catherine Meister4 Nov
Statistics Seminar: Tran -- Bayesian Computation as Optimisation on the Wasserstein space Tiangang Cui9 Oct
Statistics Seminar: Kandanaarachchi -- Representing Sparse Graphs with Graphons: Challenges and Approaches Tiangang Cui24 Sep
Statistics Seminar: Zhao -- Tensor-Train Methods for Sequential State and Parameter Estimation in State-Space Models Tiangang Cui5 Sep
Statistics Seminar: Canonne -- Locally Private Histograms in All Privacy Regimes Tiangang Cui29 Aug
Statistics Seminar: Gao -- Statistics Seminar Series: Design Your Own Universe: A Physics-Informed Agnostic Method for Enhancing Graph Neural Networks Tiangang Cui20 Aug
Statistics Seminar: Wilson Chen -- Statistics Seminar Series: Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive MCMC Tiangang Cui14 Aug
Applied Maths Seminar: Roffelsen -- On connection problems for Painlev\'{e} transcendents and affine Del Pezzo surfaces Jae Min LeeOct 23
Applied Maths Seminar: Feng -- Determinantal point processes on spheres: Multivariate linear statistics Jae Min LeeOct 23
Applied Maths Seminar: Tam -- Splitting algorithms for training GANs Jae Min LeeSep 23
Applied Maths Seminar: Harrowell -- Introduction to the Problem of Glass Jae Min LeeSep 23
Applied Maths Seminar: Upanshu Sharma Jae Min LeeSep 23
Applied Maths Seminar: Subramanian -- Applied Maths Seminar: Rogue bursting as an effect of broken symmetry Jae Min LeeAug 23
Applied Maths Seminar: Klotz -- Using Symmetry to Construct Dynamic Feedback Linearizations of Nonlinear Control Systems Jae Min LeeJun 23
Applied Maths Seminar: Krause -- Pattern Formation via Blackboards and Web Browsers Jae Min LeeJun 23
One School Seminar: Jonathan Spreer Anna AksamitApr 22
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Sandor Kovacs (UW Seattle) -- Rational singularities Boris LishakDec 19
Informal Friday Seminar: Baine -- Some characters for simple G-modules Anna RomanovNov 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Fedor Bogomolov (NYU) -- Elliptic curves and unramified correspondences Boris LishakNov 19
Informal Friday Seminar: Liu -- The Brylinski-Kostant filtration Anna RomanovNov 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Joan Licata (ANU) -- Foliated Open Books ---or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying About How to Glue Open Books Boris LishakNov 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: June Huh (IAS) -- Logarithmic concavity of Schur polynomials Boris LishakNov 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: June Huh (IAS) -- Logarithmic concavity of Schur polynomials Boris LishakOct 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Michael Figelius (Seigen) -- Modular forms and applications to coding theory Boris LishakOct 19
Informal Friday Seminar: Cliff -- Vanishing cycles Anna RomanovOct 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Romina Arroyo (Queensland) -- The prescribed Ricci curvature problem for naturally reductive metrics on compact Lie groups Boris LishakOct 19
Informal Friday Seminar: Liu -- Introduction to cohomology of line bundles on flag varieties Anna RomanovSep 19
Informal Friday Seminar: Naqvi -- An introduction to buildings Anna RomanovSep 19
Informal Friday Seminar: Cliff -- An introduction to sheaves on stacks Anna RomanovSep 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Martin Helmer (ANU) -- Segre-Driven Containment Testing for Varieties Boris LishakSep 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Dror Bar-Natan (Toronto) -- Algebraic Knot Theory Boris LishakSep 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Daryl Cooper (UCSB) -- A combinatorial characterization of closed hyperbolic 3-manifolds Boris LishakSep 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Jonathan Spreer (Sydney) -- Discrete Algorithms for Geometric Topology Boris LishakSep 19
Informal Friday Seminar: Williamson -- Intersection cohomology over rings Anna RomanovAug 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Oliver Singh (Durham) -- Knotted Surfaces in 4-manifolds and Distances Between Them Boris LishakAug 19
Informal Friday Seminar: Lishak -- Group Cohomology Anna RomanovAug 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Yong Huang (Hunan University) -- Brunn-Minkowski Theory and Minkowski Problem Boris LishakAug 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Gus Lehrer (Sydney) -- Link invariants and quantum invariant theory Boris LishakAug 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Joseph Maher (CUNY) -- Random walks on geometric groups Boris LishakAug 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Adam Parusinski (Nice) -- Algebraic Varieties Are Homeomorphic to Varieties Defined over Number Fields Boris LishakAug 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Alex Bishop (UTS) -- Geodesic Growth in Groups Boris LishakAug 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Wenshuai Jiang (Sydney) -- Regularity and singularity of Ricci curvature and related applications Boris LishakAug 19
Informal Friday Seminar: Cliff -- On the Kirwan map for moduli stacks of Higgs bundles Anna RomanovJul 19
Informal Friday Seminar: Burrull -- The Bruhat graph of a Coxeter group Anna RomanovJul 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Ignat Soroko (Louisiana State) -- Groups of type FP: their quasi-isometry classes and homological Dehn functions Boris LishakJun 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Christine Lee (South Alabama) -- A surface construction for colored Khovanov homology Boris LishakJun 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Vidit Nanda (Oxford) -- The topology of cellular gradient flow Boris LishakMay 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Henry Segerman (OSU) -- From veering triangulations to pseudo-Anosov flows Boris LishakMay 19
Informal Friday Seminar: Maltoni -- Affine Hecke algebras and equivariant K-theory Anna RomanovMay 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Charles Katerba (Montana State) -- Twist knot intersections in the character variety of the Whitehead link Boris LishakMay 19
Informal Friday Seminar: Burrull -- The Bernstein presentation of the Hecke algebra Anna RomanovMay 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Alex Casella (Florida State) -- Coordinates for real projective structures using ideal triangulations Boris LishakMay 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Matthias Lesch (University of Bonn) -- The resolvent expansion of geometric operators on singular spaces Boris LishakMay 19
Informal Friday Seminar: Losev -- Modular representations of semisimple Lie algebras Anna RomanovApr 19
Informal Friday Seminar: Baine -- Representations of SL_2(F_q), Part II Anna RomanovApr 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Xianfeng Wang (Nankai) -- Minimal Lagrangian submanifolds of the complex hyperquadric Boris LishakApr 19
Informal Friday Seminar: Baine -- Representations of SL_2(F_q) Anna RomanovApr 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Ramiro Lafuente (UQ) -- Homogeneous Einstein manifolds via a cohomogeneity-one approach Boris LishakApr 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Colin Guillarmou (Orsay) -- On Fried conjecture (Lefschetz formula for flows) for Anosov flows Boris LishakMar 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Anita Liebenau (UNSW) -- On Ramsey equivalence in graph theory Boris LishakMar 19
Informal Friday Seminar: Parkinson -- Hecke algebras with unequal parameters, part II: Plancherel theorems Anna RomanovMar 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Marco Mazzucchelli (ENS Lyon) -- Periodic orbits of exact magnetic flows on surfaces Boris LishakMar 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Volker Schlue (Melbourne) -- Geometry of expanding black hole cosmologies Boris LishakMar 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Marcelo Laca (Victoria) -- Equilibrium and monoidal growth Boris LishakFeb 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Masanori Kobayashi (Tokyo Metropolitan) -- Application of tropical geometry to scheduling problem Boris LishakFeb 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Wilderich Tuschmann (Karlsruhe) -- Spaces and Moduli Spaces of Nonnegatively Curved Riemannian Metrics Boris LishakFeb 19
Informal Friday Seminar: Soren Galatius -- $E_\infty$-cells and general linear groups of finite fields Anna RomanovFeb 19
Informal Friday Seminar: Will Donovan -- Perverse schobers on mirror moduli spaces Anna RomanovFeb 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Soren Galatius (Copenhagen) -- Tropical curves, graph homology, and top weight cohomology of \(M_g\) Boris LishakFeb 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Yann Bugeaud (Strasbourg) -- Exponential Diophantine equations Boris LishakJan 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Ruth Kellerhals (Fribourg) -- Small hyperbolic orbifolds and Coxeter groups Boris LishakJan 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Maggie Miller (Princeton) -- Diagrams for surface isotopies in 4-manifolds Boris LishakJan 19
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Suhyoung Choi (KAIST) -- Lens-shaped totally geodesic ends of convex real projective manifolds Boris LishakDec 18
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Robert Lowe (TU Berlin) -- Secondary fans of punctured Riemann surfaces Boris LishakNov 18
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Jesse Gell-Redman (Melbourne) -- Index of non-elliptic operators Boris LishakNov 18
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Enrico Le Donne (Jyvaskyla) -- Boundaries, conformal maps, and sub-Riemannian geometry Boris LishakNov 18
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Alexander Majchrowski (Sydney) -- Level-Set and Surgery Approaches to Brendle-Huisken G-Flow Boris LishakOct 18
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Michal Ferov (UTS/Newcastle) -- Quantifying complexity for the isomorphism problem of hyperbolic groups Boris LishakOct 18
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Diletta Martinelli (Edinburgh) -- An introduction to the birational geometry of moduli spaces of stable objects Boris LishakOct 18
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Iva Halacheva (Melbourne) -- Tangles and Alexander type invariants Boris LishakSep 18
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Yusra Naqvi (Sydney) -- Littlewood-Richardson coefficients for Jack polynomials Boris LishakSep 18
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Andre van Renssen (Sydney) -- Routing Among Obstacles Boris LishakSep 18
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Kwok-Kun Kwong (Sydney) -- Some quantitative comparison theorems in Riemannian geometry Boris LishakAug 18
Geometry and Topology Seminar: John Nicholson (UCL) -- Poincare 3-complexes and Stably-Free Modules over Integral Group Rings Boris LishakAug 18
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Montek Singh Gill (Michigan) -- Chains and cochains on spectra Boris LishakAug 18
Geometry and Topology Seminar: Michelle Chu (UCSB) -- Quantifying virtual properties of arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifolds Boris LishakJul 18
Joint Colloquium: Masoud Kamgarpour -- Symmetries in mathematics: a personal perspective Alexander FishMar 14
Joint Colloquium: Prof. Xiao Zhang -- Some Geometrical Problems in General Relativity Alexander FishMar 14
Joint Colloquium: Bursztyn -- Lie theory and geometry of groupoids Alexander FishJan 14
Joint Colloquium: Henrik Kragh Sørensen -- Abel’s exception, history of infinity and cognitive accounts of mathematics: One chance fumbled and another one missed Alexander FishJan 14
AGR Seminar: Prof. George Willis -- Amenability, measure and randomness in groups Alexander FishNov 13
Joint Colloquium: Coquereaux -- From the representation theory of compact Lie groups and their finite subgroups to modular fusion categories associated with affine Lie algebra at some level (or quantum groups at roots of unity) and their module-categories Alexander FishOct 13
Joint Colloquium: Dykema -- Invariant suspaces and upper triangular forms for classes of infinite dimensional operators Alexander FishOct 13
Joint Colloquium: Xiaodong Cao -- Ricci flow, Einstein manifolds and Ricci solitons Alexander FishOct 13
Joint Colloquium: Dyer -- The counting constraint satisfaction problem Alexander FishMay 13
Joint Colloquium: Sukhendu Mehrotra -- Noncommutative K3 surfaces Alexander FishMay 13
Joint Colloquium: Anthony Licata -- Positivity and integrality from higher representation theory Alexander FishApr 13
Joint Colloquium: Palsson -- k-point configurations and multilinear generalised Radon transforms Alexander FishApr 13


Sydney Research Cloud: Changes to Research Computing Oded Yacobi24 Feb


International Visitor Program for July 2022-December 2023 - application deadline 22 February 2022 Hannah BryantDec 21


A Useful New Book Published Shelton Peiris31 May
SMRI International Visitor Program 2024 Round 1 - Outcomes Hannah Bryant16 Apr
Helen Byrne awarded Laureate Fellowship in our School Eduardo AltmannJul 21
Nalini awarded the ANZIAM medal! Eduardo AltmannFeb 21
Congratulations to Anthony Henderson Gus LehrerDec 10


AI Use Policy in USyd Academic Integrity from 2025 Zhou Zhang5 Feb
Unikey login and /loc/ objects Paul SzaboJul 07
Laptops, wired and wireless connections Paul SzaboOct 05
Stroke recognition - early & life saving Janet ThomasNov 05


No computing in Maths 5-8am Fri 28 Mar Paul Szabo17 Mar
scnews into personal calendar Paul SzaboMar 20
Transparent proxy (no proxy settings needed) Paul SzaboNov 13
Ricoh printers: hold print, locked print features Paul SzaboSep 11


Volunteers needed for CCWM x SMRI on weekend 15/16 March Stephan Tillmann7 Mar
Congratulations Nalini Noella Lopez5 Dec
SMRI International Visitor Program (Round 2 2024) outcomes Catherine Meister30 Oct
Help needed - locating USyd 1957 MSc Thesis - 'The force and moment on an aerofoil in shear flow' Newman, Michael Hannah Bryant12 Sep
DECRA Outcomes Eduardo AltmannAug 21
Congrats to Giles Gardam on disproving Kaplansky's unit conjecture! Alexander FishMar 21
Dean on wages Paul SzaboSep 13
Garton on pay rates Paul SzaboAug 13
VC on financial position Paul SzaboJul 13
VC to all-staff: casuals are un-trained Paul SzaboAug 13
When your phone stops working, change your internet banking password Paul SzaboJul 13
Do not fall victim to scam/fake tech support calls Paul SzaboAug 12

141 items were listed out of a total of 5218 available.

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