March |
Friday 10th |
Ben Martin |
Representations into a reductive subgroup of a reductive group.
Friday 17th |
Emmanuel Letellier |
Stability theory and algebraic geometry.
Friday 24th |
Robert Moody |
Quasiperiodicity and diffraction.
Friday 31th |
Henning Andersen |
Tilting modules I.
April |
Friday 7th |
Toru Umeda |
Capelli identities from various viewpoints.
Friday 14th |
Henning Andersen |
Tilting modules II.
Friday 21st |
Good Friday - no seminar |
Friday 28th |
Willian Stein |
Designer Magma.
May |
Friday 5th |
Ezra Getzler |
Deformation theory of Poisson brackets and Gromov-Witten
invariants in higher genus.
Friday 12th |
Bob Howlett |
Automorphisms of Coxeter groups.
Friday 19th |
Andrew Mathas |
Equating decomposition numbers for different primes.
Friday 26th |
Alex Molev |
Irreducibility conditions for tensor products of gl(n)-modules.
June |
Friday 2nd |
Ruth Corran |
Decision problems in braid group like settings.
July |
Friday 14th |
Anthony Henderson |
Applications of character sheaves.
Friday 21st |
Ruediger Goebel |
The solution of a problem of Philip Hall's concerning the existence
groups G with the property that any extension of G by G is isomorphic
to G.
Friday 28th |
Graeme Segal |
Twisted K-theory and representations of loop groups.
August |
Friday 4th |
Matthew Emerton |
Modular forms, theta functions and elliptic curves.
Friday 11th |
Arun Ram |
On the K-theory of the flag variety.
Friday 4th |
Nanhua Xi |
Irreducible modules of quantized enveloping algebras at roots
of 1.
Friday 25th |
Sacha Blumen |
Representations of quantum osp(1|2) at roots of 1 and
an application to three-manifold invariants.
September |
Friday 1st |
Amnon Neeman |
On a theorem of Jan-Erik Roos.
Friday 8th |
Scott Murray |
Representations of Borel subgroups and parabolic subgroups.
October |
Friday 13th |
Joost van Hamel |
Topology of real algebraic varieties and equivariant homology.
Friday 20th |
Ruibin Zhang |
Representations of Lie Conformal Algebras.
Friday 27th |
Valery Tolstoy |
Combinatorial properties of root systems of Lie (super)algebras.
November |
Friday 3rd |
Ilknur Tulunay |
Cuspidal modules of finite general linear groups.
Friday 10th |
François Digne |
Centralisers in braid groups.
Friday 17th |
Helge Tverberg |
On Radon's Theorem and its many generalizations.
Friday 24th |
Arjeh Cohen |
Extremal elements in Lie algebras.
December |
Friday 1st |
Michel Broué |
Families of characters for complex reflection groups.
Friday 8th |
There will be no seminar this week
because of the Lie 2000 conference.
Wednesday 13th |
One-day algebra seminar and Christmas dinner
Friday 15th |
Alison Parker |
The Global Dimension of Schur algebras for GL2
and GL3. |
Tuesday 19th |
SungSoon Kim |
The blocks of Ariki-Koike algebras. |
Friday 22nd |
Emma Carberry |
Harmonic Tori: an Algebraic perspective. |