January |
Friday 5th |
Miles Reid |
Birational geometry and graded rings. |
Friday 12th |
Sigrid Wortmann |
A finiteness result for p-adic Galois representations. |
Friday 17th |
Xiaoping Xu |
Non-graded Infinite Dimensional Simple Lie Algebras. |
February |
Thursday 1st |
Shun-Jen Cheng |
Howe duality for Lie superalgebras. |
Friday 9th |
J-M Fontaine |
p-adic Hodge theory: what is it and what is it for? |
Friday 23rd |
Frances Kirwan |
Geometric invariant theory and filtrations on bundles
over curves. |
March |
Friday 16th |
Gunter Malle |
Low dimensional representations of quasi-simple groups. |
Tuesday 20th |
Vladimir Popov |
An analogue of M. Artin's conjecture on invariants
for nonassociative algebras. |
Friday 23rd |
Richard Kane |
Lie Groups and p-Compact Groups. |
April |
Tuesday 3rd |
Nanhua Xi |
Kazhdan-Lusztig Cells of Coxeter Groups.
May |
Friday 4th |
Stephen Donkin |
Hecke algebras and characters of the symmetric groups.
Friday 11th |
Jon Carlson |
Endotrivial modules.
Friday 18th |
Ruibin Zhang |
Q-Schur Superalgebras and the Quantum General Linear Supergroup.
Friday 25th |
Helena Verrill |
Images of modular mod l Galois representations.
June |
Friday 1st |
Chris Macmeikan |
The cohomology of toral complements.
Friday 8th |
Anatol Kirillov |
Some remarkable quadratic algebras and Schubert Calculus
Friday 15th |
Don Barnes |
Cohomology of F-excentric modules of a soluble Lie algebra
Friday 22nd |
Andrew Mathas |
The representation type of Hecke algebras of type B
Friday 29th |
Rod Gover |
Conformal Geometry, representation theory and de Rham cohomology
July |
Friday 20th |
Lisa Carbone |
The tree lattice existence theorems.
Friday 27th |
Miles Reid |
McKay correspondence, theme and free variations.
August |
Friday 3rd |
Andrew Mathas |
Tilting modules for cyclotomic Schur algebras. |
Friday 10th |
Piotr Hajac |
Noncommutative geometry of algebraic bundles. |
Friday 17th |
Bill Casselman |
How to multiply in a Coxeter group. |
Friday 31st |
Anthony Henderson |
Spherical functions and character sheaves. |
September |
Friday 7th |
Graeme Segal |
Configuration spaces and flag manifolds. |
Friday 14th |
Vyacheslav Futorny |
Weight representations of Kac-Moody algebras. |
Friday 21st |
Jürgen Klüners |
Counting Galois extensions of number fields. |
October |
Friday 5th |
Vyacheslav Futorny |
Representations of Weyl algebras. |
Friday 19th |
Ben Martin |
Conjugacy classes in a reductive subgroup of a reductive group. |
November |
Friday 9th |
Tonny Springer |
Combinatorial questions associated with group compactifications. |
Friday 16th |
Eric Ragoucy |
Quasi-Hopf algebras and deformations of double Yangians. |
Friday 23rd |
Stephen Bigelow |
Homology and the Hecke algebra. |
Friday 30th |
Jean Michel |
Symmetric braids. |
December |
Friday 7th |
Don Barnes |
Faithful F-hypercentral modules for soluble Lie
algebras. |
Friday 14th |
John Graham |
The centre of the Hecke algebra. |
Friday 21st |
Ian Grojnowski |
Quantum affine algebras. |