January |
Friday 22nd |
Jon Carlson |
The thick subcategory
generated by the trivial module.
Friday 29th |
Andrew Mathas |
The modular representations of Ariki-Koike algebras.
Feburuary |
Friday 5th |
Peter Donovan |
The modular representation theory of finite abelian groups.
Friday 12th |
Jean Michel |
Spetses I: Cyclotomic Hecke algebras.
Friday 19th |
Gus Lehrer |
Extensions of vector fields
invariant under a reflection group..
Friday 26th |
Jean Michel |
Spetses II: Reflection data.
March |
Friday 5th |
Don Barnes |
Projective modules over Lie algebras.
Friday 12th |
Frank Lübeck |
Computation of generic character values of
finite groups of Lie type.
Friday 19th |
Andrew Mathas |
Decomposition matrices of Iwahori-Hecke algebras.
Friday 26th |
Jürgen Klüners |
On computing automorphisms and subfields.
April |
Friday 9th |
Wayne Wheeler |
The stable category of a finite group is locally determined.
Friday 16th |
Grigori Olshanski |
Dimensions of skew Young diagrams and Frobenius-Schur
Friday 23rd |
Dimitri Leemans |
Constructing coset geometries with Magma.
Friday 30th |
Ben Martin |
Counting conjugacy classes of representations of a homology 3-sphere group.
May |
Friday 7th |
Don Barnes |
The length of the spectral sequence of a Lie algebra extension.
Friday 14th |
Amnon Neeman |
June |
Friday 18th |
Alexei Davydov |
Finite groups with the same character table and Galois algebras
July |
Thursday 8th |
Eric M. Friedlander |
K-theory and Cohomology Theories
12th-16th |
Joint AGM of AustMS and AMS - Melbourne
19th-23rd |
Algebraic Geometry and Applications - Canberra
Monday 26th |
Gerhard Röhrle |
Steinberg varieties revisited. |
Friday 30th |
Monica Vazirani |
A strong multiplicity one result for Hecke algebra modules
August |
Friday 6th |
Ian Grojnowski |
Affine Hecke algebras and their representations.
Friday 13th |
Michael Hoffmann |
Automatic and Biautomatic Semigroups.
Friday 20th |
Bernhard Keller |
On the cyclic homology of exact categories.
Friday 27th |
Sumumu Ariki |
On the classification of simple modules for cyclotomic Hecke
algebras of type G(m,1,n).
September |
Friday 3rd |
Graeme Segal |
Operads, Lie algebras, and deformations.
Friday 10th |
Gavin Brown |
Adjoint calculations on curves.
Friday 17th |
Bob Howlett |
Klyachko's model for the complex representations
of finite general linear groups.
Friday 24th |
Sigrid Wortmann |
On Galois representations of motives.
October |
Friday 1st |
David Kohel |
Quaternion algebras and invariants of Shimura curves.
Friday 8th |
Alex Molev |
Extremal projections for reductive Lie algebras.
Friday 15th |
Mark Kisin |
Unit F-crystals and a conjecture of Katz.
Friday 22nd |
Andrew Mathas |
Morita equivalences of Ariki-Koike algebras.
Friday 29th |
Don Taylor |
Reflection groups in low dimension.
November |
Friday 5th |
Alexander Isaev |
Characterisation of complex manifolds by their automorphism
Friday 12th |
Katerina Blagoveshchenskaya |
Direct Decompositions of Torsion - Free Abelian Groups.
Friday 19th |
Ruibin Zhang |
Structure and Representations of Quantum Supergroups.
Friday 26th |
Emanuel Herrmann |
Computing S-integral points on elliptic curves.
November 29 -December 2 |
Lie Groups, Algebraic Groups and Quantum Groups
and their representations
Red Centre 3082,
University of NSW
November 29 -December 3 |
Group Theory and Computation
Carslaw 173, University of Sydney