
APDE Seminar

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Triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, academics on the entire world had to find new ways of disseminating their research results. As a result of this, many so-called One World Seminars have been introduced. However, for research institutes located in the Asia-Pacific region the offered times to these research seminars are rather inconvenient. Thus, we aim with the Asia-Pacific Analysis and PDE Seminar to provide a weekly research seminar at reasonable times for the Asia-Pacific region. This seminar series began with its first research talk on Monday, 11 May 2020.

The topics

The main focus of this seminar are recent research results of highest standard to the following research fields related to Analysis and PDEs:

  • •  (Nonlinear) harmonic analysis with applications to PDEs
  • •  Geometric Analysis
  • •  Deterministic and stochastic Evolution equations
  • •  Partial Differential Equations (PDEs)

In this weekly seminar series, talks from each community are intertwined, serving to highlight salient ideas, proofs and questions, and trigger new collaboration, which are important fertile ground for pushing forward research in Asia-Pacific region and world-wide.

The format

    The Day:

  • The Asia-Pacific Analysis and PDE seminar runs weekly on Mondays.

    Access to the Seminar:

  • Registered participants receive an email including an internet link with a meeting-room number and the Password to the Zoom video webinar .
  • Please, join the seminar 5 minutes before it begins!

    The Seminar:

  • The Seminar is hold in form of a 45 minutes lecture in a Zoom video webinar , where the invited speakers present their research results.
  • During the talk, except of the speaker and chair all microphones of the participants are muted. However, in this time participants should feel encouraged to write questions either in the chat or in the Q&A field. These questions will be answered by the speaker at the end of his talk.

    Short Q&A discussion:

  • The talk is followed-up by a 15 minutes Q&A discussion guided by the chair of the talk.

    Zoom Coffee break:

  • All participants interested in further discussions to the preceding lecture are invited to a Coffee break in a regular Zoom Meeting . At this social meeting, all attendees have the chance to participate with their personal webcam and voice. A second link to the Zoom Coffee break will be sent to the registered participants during the seminar talk.

    Notes to the Seminar:

  • Every Zoom webinar is recorded, while the Zoom Coffee break is not recorded. After each seminar talk, the corresponding slides and the recording are provided on Past Talks and on our YouTube channel .


To attend the talks of the Asia-Pacific Analysis and PDE seminar, we ask you to please complete the registration form.

Once you registered, you will receive regular updates to the seminar, the weekly e-mail with the details to enter the Zoom video webinar, and your name will be listed on the List of participants.

The program

•  Monday, 22 January 2024
at 12 PM Beijing
Hong Kong
at 1 PM Seoul
at 3 PM Canberra
at 5 PM Auckland
Zhewen Feng (Postdoctoral Research Fellow @ The University of Queensland, Australia)
Title: Existence of solutions to the stochastic Ericksen-Leslie system in a 3-D bounded domain
Chair: Ben Goldys (Professor @ The University of Sydney)

The board of organizers

• Managing organizer:
• Organizers: