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Recent Preprints

Preprints for 2024

Besson M, Jeralds S and Kiers J
Marc Besson, Sam Jeralds, and Joshua Kiers, (2024), Affine Demazure weight polytopes and twisted Bruhat orders.

Besson M, Jeralds S and Kiers J
Marc Besson, Sam Jeralds and Joshua Kiers, (2024), Geometric invariant theory and stretched Kostka quasi-polynomials.

Brzezniak Z, Goldys B and Li L
Zdzislaw Brzezniak, Beniamin Goldys and Liang Li, (2024), 3D Stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert Equations coupled with Maxwell's Equations with full energy.

Easdown D, Gardiner S and McElwee B
David Easdown, Sean Gardiner and Brett McElwee, (2024), Maximal subgroups of free idempotent-generated semigroups factored out by biorder relations.

Goldys B and Peszat S
Ben Goldys and Szymon Peszat, (2024), Differentiability of transition semigroup of generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process: a probabilistic approach.

Goldys B, Soenjaya AL and Tran T
Ben Goldys, Agus L. Soenjaya and Thanh Tran, (2024), The stochastic Landau–Lifshitz–Baryakhtar equation: Global solution and invariant measure.

Goldys B, Soenjaya AL and Tran T
Beniamin Goldys, Agus L. Soenjaya and Thanh Tran, (2024), Global attractor and robust exponential attractors for some classes of fourth-order nonlinear evolution equations.

Hillman JA
J. A. Hillman, (2024), Locally flat embeddings of 3-manifolds in S4.

Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman, (2024), The F2-cohomology rings of 3-manifolds.

Jeralds S
Sam Jeralds, (2024), Irreducible components in Hochschild cohomology of flag varieties.

Preprints for 2023

Alotaibi I and Easdown D
Ibrahim Alotaibi and David Easdown, (2023), Minimal degrees associated with some wreath products of groups.

Alotaibi I and Easdown D
Ibrahim Alotaibi and David Easdown, (2023), Exceptional groups of order 243.

Bokor Bleile Y, Koehl P and Rehfeldt F
Yossi Bokor Bleile, Patrice Koehl, and Florian Rehfeldt, (2023), Persistence diagrams as morphological signatures of cells: A method to measure and compare cells within a population.

Carberry E, Kilian M, Klein S and Schmidt MU
Emma Carberry, Martin Kilian, Sebastian Klein and Martin Ulrich Schmidt, (2023), The space of genus two spectral curves of constant mean curvature tori in R3.

Easdown D and Shneerson L
David Easdown and Lev Shneerson, (2023), On identities of Rees quotients of free inverse semigroups defined by positive relators.

Goldys B, Jiao C and Melcher C
Ben Goldys, Chunxi Jiao and Christof Melcher, (2023), Stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equations for frustrated magnets under fluctuating currents.

Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman, (2023), The groups of branched twist-spun knots.

Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman, (2023), Non-solvable torsion-free virtually solvable groups.

Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman, (2023), Homotopy types of 4-manifolds with 3-manifold fundamental groups.

Li L, Liu R and Rutkowski M
Libo Li, Ruyi Liu and Marek Rutkowski, (2023), Vulnerable European and American Options in a Market Model with Optional Hazard Process.

Li L, Liu R and Rutkowski M
Libo Li, Ruyi Liu and Marek Rutkowski, (2023), Well-posedness and penalization schemes for generalized BSDEs and reflected generalized BSDEs.

Phillips CG and Ivers DJ
C.G. Phillips and D.J. Ivers, (2023), Axisymmetric, antidynamo theory for no generation of azimuthal electromotive force from an azimuthal magnetic field: The axisymmetric, alpha-phi-phi, antidynamo theorem.

Preprints for 2022

Brandolini B and Cîrstea FC
Barbara Brandolini and Florica C. Cîrstea, (2022), Singular anisotropic elliptic equations with gradient-dependent lower order terms.

Goldys B, Jiao C and Le KN
Beniamin Goldys, Chunxi Jiao and Kim Ngan Le, (2022), Existence, uniqueness and regularity of solutions to the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Slonczewski equation.

Goldys B, Jiao C and Le KN
Ben Goldys, Chunxi Jiao and Kim-Ngan Le, (2022), Numerical method and error estimate for stochastic Landau–Lifshitz–Bloch equation.

Goldys B, Nendel M and Röckner M
Beniamin Goldys, Max Nendel and Michael Röckner, (2022), Operator semigroups in the mixed topology and the infinitesimal description of Markov processes.

Hillman JA
J. A. Hillman, (2022), Nilpotent groups with balanced presentations. II.

Hillman JA and Kochloukova DH
J.A.Hillman and D.H.Kochloukova, (2022), pro-p completions of PDn-groups.

Preprints for 2021

Brandolini B and Cîrstea FC
Barbara Brandolini and Florica C. Cîrstea, (2021), Anisotropic elliptic equations with gradient-dependent lower order terms and L1 data.

Goldys B and Peszat S
Beniamin Goldys and Szymon Peszat, (2021), On linear stochastic flows.

Goldys B and Peszat S
Beniamin Goldys and Szymon Peszat, (2021), Linear parabolic equation with Dirichlet white noise boundary conditions.

Hauer D and Lee D
Daniel Hauer and David Lee, (2021), Functional Calculus via the extension technique: A first hitting time approach.

Hauer D and Mazón JM
Daniel Hauer and José M. Mazón, (2021), The Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator associated with the 1-Laplacian and evolution problems.

Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman, (2021), Domination by geometric 4-manifolds.

Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman, (2021), Elementary amenable groups of cohomological dimension 3.

Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman, (2021), PD3-complexes bound.

Molev AI
A. I. Molev, (2021), Representations of the Yangians associated with Lie superalgebras osp(1|2n).

Molev AI
A. I. Molev, (2021), Odd reflections in the Yangian associated with gl(m|n).

Molev AI
A. I. Molev, (2021), Representations of the super Yangians of types A and C.

Molev AI
A. I. Molev, (2021), A Drinfeld-type presentation of the orthosymplectic Yangians.

Papadopoulos G and Easdown D
George Papadopoulos and David Easdown, (2021), Student perspectives on summer school versus term-time for undergraduate mathematics.

Preprints for 2020

Andrews B, Clutterbuck J and Hauer D
Ben Andrews, Julie Clutterbuck, Daniel Hauer, (2020), The fundamental gap for a one-dimensional Schrödinger operator with Robin boundary conditions.

Arendt W and Hauer D
Wolfgang Arendt and Daniel Hauer, (2020), Maximal L2-regularity in nonlinear gradient systems and perturbations of sublinear growth.

Bar-Natan D, Dancso Z and Scherich N
Dror Bar-Natan, Zsuzsanna Dancso, Nancy Scherich, (2020), Ribbon 2-Knots, 1+1=2, and Duflo's Theorem for Arbitrary Lie Algebras.

Cîrstea FC
Florica C. Cîrstea, (2020), Proofs of Urysohn's Lemma and the Tietze Extension Theorem via the Cantor function.

Cîrstea FC and Fărcăşeanu M
Florica C. Cîrstea and Maria Fărcăşeanu, (2020), Sharp existence and classification results for nonlinear elliptic equations in RN{0} with Hardy potential.

Dancso Z and Licata A
Zsuzsanna Dancso, Anthony Licata, (2020), Koszul Algebras and Flow Lattices.

Dancso Z, McBreen M and Shende V
Zsuzsanna Dancso, Michael McBreen, Vivek Shende, (2020), Deletion-contraction triangles for Hausel-Proudfoot varieties.

Davis JF and Hillman JA
James F. Davis and J.A.Hillman, (2020), Aspherical 4-manifolds with elementary amenable fundamental group.

Droniou J, Goldys B and Le KN
Jérôme Droniou, Beniamin Goldys and Kim-Ngan Le, (2020), Design and convergence analysis of numerical methods for stochastic evolution equations with Leray–Lions operator.

Goldys B, Tessitore G, Yang YH and Zhou Z
Beniamin Goldys, Gianmario Tessitore, James Yang and Zhou Zhou, (2020), Multiscale Linear-Quadratic Stochastic Optimal Control with multiplicative noise.

Goldys B, Yang JTF and Zhou Z
Beniamin Goldys, James Yang, and Zhou Zhou, (2020), Singular perturbations of zero-sum linear-quadratic stochastic differential games.

Gurka P and Hauer D
Petr Gurka, Daniel Hauer, (2020), More insights into the Trudinger-Moser inequality with monomial weight.

Hauer D
Daniel Hauer, (2020), Regularizing effect of homogeneous evolution equations with perturbation.

Hauer D and Mazón J
Daniel Hauer and José Mazón, (2020), Regularizing effects of homogeneous evolution equations: the case of homogeneity order zero.

Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman, (2020), PD3-groups and HNN extensions.

Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman, (2020), PD3-pairs with compressible boundary.

Hillman JA
J. A. Hillman, (2020), Nilpotent groups with balanced presentations.

Jing N, Liu M and Molev AI
Naihuan Jing, Ming Liu and Alexander Molev, (2020), Representations of quantum affine algebras in their R-matrix realization.

Milićević E, Naqvi Y, Schwer P and Thomas A
Elizabeth Milićević, Yusra Naqvi, Petra Schwer and Anne Thomas, (2020), A gallery model for affine flag varieties via chimney retractions.

Molev AI
A. I. Molev, (2020), W-algebras associated with centralizers in type A.

Molev AI
A. I. Molev, (2020), Casimir elements and center at the critical level for Takiff algebras.

Molev AI
A. I. Molev, (2020), On Segal–Sugawara vectors for the orthogonal and symplectic Lie algebras.

Parkinson J and Van Maldeghem H
James Parkinson and Hendrik Van Maldeghem, (2020), Automorphisms and opposition in spherical buildings of exceptional type, I.

Wang Q
Qiying Wang, (2020), Least squares estimation for nonlinear regression models with heteroscedasticity.

Preprints for 2019

Armstrong B, Clark LO, Courtney K, Lin YF, McCormick K and Ramagge J
Becky Armstrong, Lisa Orloff Clark, Kristin Courtney, Ying-Fen Lin, Kathryn McCormick and Jacqui Ramagge, (2019), Twisted Steinberg algebras.

Bachtiar AA and James RW
A. A. Bachtiar and R. W. James, (2019), Dynamos driven by modified Beltrami flows.

Biffis E, Goldys B, Prosdocimi C and Zanella M
Enrico Biffis, Beniamin Goldys, Cecilia Prosdocimi and Margherita Zanella, (2019), A Pricing Formula for Delayed Claims.

Björklund M, Fish A and Parkinson J
M. Björklund, A. Fish, J. Parkinson, (2019), Patterns in sets of positive density in trees and affine buildings.

Brzeźniak Z, Goldys B and Kim NL
Zdzisław Brzeźniak, Beniamin Goldys and Kim Ngan Le, (2019), Existence of a unique solution and invariant measures for the stochastic Landau–Lifshitz–Bloch equation.

Brzeźniak Z, Goldys B and Rana N
Zdzisław Brzeźniak, Beniamin Goldys and Nimit Rana, (2019), Large Deviations for Stochastic Geometric Wave Equation.

Burrull G, Libedinsky N and Sentinelli P
Gaston Burrull, Nicolas Libedinsky and Paolo Sentinelli, (2019), p-Jones-Wenzl idempotents.

Burton BA, Datta B and Spreer J
Benjamin A. Burton, Basudeb Datta and Jonathan Spreer, (2019), The Pachner graph of 2-spheres.

Codenotti G, Santos F and Spreer J
Giulia Codenotti, Francisco Santos and Jonathan Spreer, (2019), Separation-type combinatorial invariants for triangulations of manifolds.

Doolittle J, Labbé JP, Lange CEMC, Sinn R, Spreer J and Ziegler GM
Joseph Doolittle, Jean-Philippe Labbé, Carsten E. M. C. Lange, Rainer Sinn, Jonathan Spreer and Günter M. Ziegler, (2019), Combinatorial inscribability obstructions for higher-dimensional polytopes.

Easdown D, Papadopoulos G and Zheng C
David Easdown, George Papadopoulos and Collin Zheng, (2019), Summer school versus term-time for fundamental mathematics at the tertiary level.

Goldys B, Le KN and Tran T
Beniamin Goldys, Kim-Ngan Le and Thanh Tran, (2019), A finite element approximation for the stochastic Maxwell–Landau–LIfschitz–Gilbert system.

Goldys B and Neklyudov M
Beniamin Goldys, Misha Neklyudov, (2019), Rescaling nonlinear noise for 1D stochastic parabolic equations.

Hillman JA
J. A. Hillman, (2019), 3-manifolds with nilpotent embeddings in S4.

Jaco W, Rubinstein JH, Spreer J and Tillmann S
William Jaco, Hyam Rubinstein, Jonathan Spreer and Stephan Tillmann, (2019), Z2-Thurston Norm and Complexity of 3-Manifolds, II.

Jaco W, Rubinstein JH, Spreer J and Tillmann S
William Jaco, Hyam Rubinstein, Jonathan Spreer and Stephan Tillmann, (2019), On minimal ideal triangulations of cusped hyperbolic 3-manifolds.

Jing N, Liu M and Molev AI
Naihuan Jing, Ming Liu and Alexander Molev, (2019), Isomorphism between the R-matrix and Drinfeld presentations of quantum affine algebra: type C.

Jing N, Liu M and Molev AI
Naihuan Jing, Ming Liu and Alexander Molev, (2019), Isomorphism between the R-matrix and Drinfeld presentations of quantum affine algebra: types B and D.

Molev AI
A. I. Molev, (2019), Center at the critical level for centralizers in type A.

Molev AI and Ragoucy E
A. I. Molev and E. Ragoucy, (2019), Classical W-algebras for centralizers.

Molev AI, Ragoucy E and Suh UR
Alexander Molev, Eric Ragoucy and Uhi Rinn Suh, (2019), Supersymmetric W-algebras.

Olarte J, Santos F, Spreer J and Stump C
Jorge Olarte, Francisco Santos, Jonathan Spreer and Christian Stump, (2019), The EKR property for flag pure simplicial complexes without boundary.

Paixão J and Spreer J
João Paixão and Jonathan Spreer, (2019), Random collapsibility and 3-sphere recognition,.

Shneerson LM and Easdown D
L.M. Shneerson and D. Easdown, (2019), On finite presentations of inverse semigroups with zero having polynomial growth.

Preprints for 2018

Andrews B, Clutterbuck J and Hauer D
Ben Andrews, Julie Clutterbuck, Daniel Hauer, (2018), Non-concavity of the Robin ground state.

Cîrstea FC, Robert F and Vétois J
Florica C. Cîrstea, Frédéric Robert and Jérôme Vétois, (2018), Existence of sharp asymptotic profiles of singular solutions to an elliptic equation with a sign-changing non-linearity.

Ching J and Cîrstea FC
Joshua Ching and Florica C. Cîrstea, (2018), Gradient estimates for nonlinear elliptic equations with a gradient-dependent nonlinearity.

Fish A
Alexander Fish, (2018), On infinite discrete approximate subgroups in Rd.

Guilhot J and Parkinson J
J. Guilhot and J. Parkinson, (2018), Balanced representations, the asymptotic Plancherel formula, and Lusztig's conjectures for C~2.

Hauer D, He Y and Liu D
Daniel Hauer, Yuan He, Dehui Liu, (2018), Fractional powers of monotone operators in Hilbert spaces.

Molev AI and Ragoucy E
Alexander Molev and Eric Ragoucy, (2018), Higher order Hamiltonians for the trigonometric Gaudin model.

Molev AI and Yakimova O
Alexander Molev and Oksana Yakimova, (2018), Monomial bases and branching rules.

Nelson AM
Adrian M. Nelson, (2018), Induction theorems for generalized Bhaskar Rao designs..

Nguyen VM
Van Minh Nguyen, (2018), Type A admissible cells are Kazhdan–Lusztig.

Parkinson J and Van Maldeghem H
J. Parkinson, H. Van Maldeghem, (2018), Opposition diagrams for automorphisms of small spherical buildings.

Parkinson J and Yau Y
James Parkinson and Yeeka Yau, (2018), Coxeter systems for which the Brink-Howlett automaton is minimal..

Rose D, Hawkes K and Kim PS
Danya Rose, Kristen Hawkes and Peter S. Kim, (2018), Adult sex ratio as an index for male strategy.

Rubinstein JH and Tillmann S
J Hyam Rubinstein, Stephan Tillmann, (2018), Generalised trisections in all dimensions.

Tanaka E, Mathews K, Smith AB and Cullis BR
Emi Tanaka, Ky Mathews, Alison B. Smith and Brian R. Cullis, (2018), Loss of accuracy in the genomic prediction for prevalent two-stage analysis with single site.

Preprints for 2017

Armstrong B and Brownlowe N
Becky Armstrong and Nathan Brownlowe, (2017), Product-system models for twisted C-algebras of topological higher-rank graphs.

Badziahin D
D. Badziahin, (2017), On continued fraction expansion of potential counterexamples to p-adic Littlewood conjecture.

Badziahin D
D. Badziahin, (2017), Continued fractions of certain Mahler functions.

Badziahin D and Harrap S
D. Badziahin, S. Harrap, (2017), Cantor-winning sets and their applications.

Baumgartner U, Parkinson J and Ramagge J
U. Baumgartner and J. Parkinson and J. Ramagge, (2017), Scale and tidy subgroups for Weyl-transitive automorphism groups of buildings.

Easdown D, Corran R and Roberts B
David Easdown, Ruth Corran and Brad Roberts, (2017), A novel approach to mathematics examination design and marking.

Goldys B, Grotowski J and Kim PS
Beniamin Goldys, Joe Grotowski, Kim Ngan-Le, (2017), Weak martingale solutions to the stochastic Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert equation with multi-dimensional noise via a convergent finite-element scheme.

Guilhot J and Parkinson J
J. Guilhot and J. Parkinson, (2017), A proof of Lusztig's conjectures for affine type G2 with arbitrary parameters.

Hauer D and Mazón J
Daniel Hauer and José Mazón, (2017), Kurdyka-Łojasiewicz-Simon inequality for gradient flows in metric spaces.

Hillman JA
J.A.Hillman, (2017), An explicit formula for a branched covering.

Hillman JA
J.A.Hillman, (2017), 3-Manifolds with abelian embeddings in S4.

Ivers DJ
D. J. Ivers, (2017), Oblate Spheroidal Kinematic Dynamos.

Jing N, Liu M and Molev AI
Naihuan Jing, Ming Liu and Alexander Molev, (2017), Isomorphism between the R-matrix and Drinfeld presentations of Yangian in types B, C and D.

Liang HY, Shen Y and Wang Q
Hanying Liang, Yu Shen and Qiying Wang, (2017), Functional-coefficient cointegrating regression with endogeneity.

Molev AI and Yakimova O
Alexander Molev and Oksana Yakimova, (2017), Quantisation and nilpotent limits of Mishchenko-Fomenko subalgebras.

Parkinson J and Van Maldeghem H
J. Parkinson and H. Van Maldeghem, (2017), Opposition diagrams for automorphisms of large spherical buildings.

Preprints for 2016

Afsar Z, Brownlowe N, Larsen NS and Stammeier N
Zahra Afsar, Nathan Brownlowe, Nadia S. Larsen, Nicolai Stammeier, (2016), Equilibrium states for right LCM semigroup C-algebras.

Bannister H, Goldys B, Penev S and Wu W
Hugh Bannister, Ben Goldys, Spiridon Penev, Wei Wu, (2016), Multiperiod Mean-Standard-Deviation Time Consistent Portfolio Selection.

Biffis E, Goldys B and Prosdocimi C
Enrico Biffis, Beniamin Goldys and Cecilia Prosdocimi, (2016), A Pricing Formula for Delayed Claims.

Björklund M and Fish A
Michael Björklund, Alexander Fish, (2016), Kneser-type theorems for countable amenable groups.

Brownlowe N, Hawkins M and Sims A
Nathan Brownlowe, Mitchell Hawkins and Aidan Sims, (2016), The Toeplitz noncommutative solenoid and its KMS states.

Brownlowe N, Mundey A, Pask D, Spielberg J and Thomas A
Nathan Brownlowe, Alexander Mundey, David Pask, Jack Spielberg and Anne Thomas, (2016), C*-algebras associated to graphs of groups.

Brzeźniak Z, Goldys B and Jegaraj T
Zdzisław Brzezniak, Ben Goldys and Terence Jegaraj, (2016), Large deviations and transitions between equilibria for stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation.

Cîrstea FC and Robert F
Florica C. Cîrstea, Frédéric Robert, (2016), Sharp asymptotic profiles for singular solutions to an elliptic equation with a sign-changing nonlinearity.

Chang TY and Cîrstea FC
Ting-Ying Chang, Florica C. Cîrstea, (2016), Singular solutions for divergence-form elliptic equations involving regular variation theory: Existence and classification.

Coulhon T and Hauer D
Daniel Hauer and Thierry Coulhon, (2016), Regularisation effects of nonlinear semigroups.

Dani P, Stark E and Thomas A
Pallavi Dani, Emily Stark and Anne Thomas, (2016), Commensurability for certain right-angled Coxeter groups and geometric amalgams of free groups.

Dani P and Thomas A
Pallavi Dani and Anne Thomas, (2016), Bowditch's JSJ tree and the quasi-isometry classification of certain Coxeter groups.

Easdown D, Hendriksen M and Saunders N
David Easdown, Michael Hendriksen and Neil Saunders, (2016), Absorption of Direct Factors With Respect to the Minimal Faithful Permutation Degree of a Finite Group.

Fish A and Paunescu L
A. Fish, L. Paunescu, (2016), Unwinding spirals.

Goldys B and Wu W
Ben Goldys and Wei Wu, (2016), Dynamic Programming Principle for Stochastic Control Problems driven by General Lévy Noise.

Haraway R and Tillmann S
Haraway, R. and Tillmann, S., (2016), Tessellating the moduli space of strictly convex projective structures on the once-punctured torus.

Hillman JA
J.A.Hillman, (2016), Solvable normal subgroups of 2-knot groups.

Howlett RB, Mühlherr B and Nuida K
R. B. Howlett, B. Mühlherr and K. Nuida, (2016), Intrinsic reflections and strongly rigid Coxeter systems.

Jing N, Kožić S, Molev AI and Yang F
Naihuan Jing, Slaven Kožić, Alexander Molev and Fan Yang, (2016), Center of the quantum affine vertex algebra in type A.

Kožić S
Slaven Kožić, (2016), Higher level vertex operators for Uq(sl^2).

Kožić S and Molev AI
Slaven Kožić and Alexander Molev, (2016), Center of the quantum affine vertex algebra associated with trigonometric R-matrix.

Liang HY, Shen Y and Wang Q
Han-Ying Liang, Yu Shen and Qiying Wang, (2016), Functional-coefficient quantile regression with nonstationary time series.

Molev AI, Ragoucy E and Rozhkovskaya N
A. I. Molev, E. Ragoucy and N. Rozhkovskaya, (2016), Segal-Sugawara vectors for the Lie algebra of type G2.

Norledge W, Thomas A and Vdovina A
William Norledge, Anne Thomas and Alina Vdovina, (2016), Maximal torsion-free subgroups of certain lattices of hyperbolic buildings and Davis complexes.

Peng J and Wang Q
Jiangyan Peng and Qiying Wang, (2016), Establishing conditions for weak convergence to stochastic integrals.

Preprints for 2015

Björklund M and Fish A
M. Björklund, A. Fish, (2015), Characteristic polynomial patterns in difference sets of matrices.

Chill R, Hauer D and Kennedy JB
Ralph Chill, Daniel Hauer, James B. Kennedy, (2015), Nonlinear semigroups generated by j-elliptic functionals.

Ching J and Cîrstea FC
Joshua Ching, Florica C. Cîrstea, (2015), Existence and classification of singular solutions to nonlinear elliptic equations with a gradient term.

Easdown D
David Easdown, (2015), Prime numbers that avoid the Mersenne property with respect to all other primes.

Easdown D and Hendriksen M
David Easdown and Michael Hendriksen, (2015), Minimal permutation representations of semidirect products of groups.

Fish A
Alexander Fish, (2015), On Bohr sets of integer-valued traceless matrices.

Frappat L, Jing N, Molev AI and Ragoucy E
Luc Frappat, Naihuan Jing, Alexander Molev and Eric Ragoucy, (2015), Higher Sugawara operators for the quantum affine algebras of type A.

Fullarton NJ and Thomas A
Neil J. Fullarton and Anne Thomas, (2015), Palindromic automorphisms of right-angled Artin groups.

Goldstein JA, Hauer D and Rhandi A
Jerome A. Goldstein, Daniel Hauer, Abdelaziz Rhandi, (2015), Existence and nonexistence of positive solutions of p-Kolmogorov equations perturbed by a Hardy potential.

Goldys B, Brzeźniak Z and Jegaraj T
Beniamin Goldys, Zdzisław Brzeźniak and Terence Jegaraj, (2015), Large deviations and transition between equilibria for stochastic Landau-Lifshitz equation.

Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman, (2015), Complements of connected hypersurfaces in S4.

Hillman JA
J.A.Hillman, (2015), Flat 2-orbifold groups.

Hong J and Yacobi O
Jiuzu Hong, Oded Yacobi, (2015), Quantum Polynomial Functors.

Howlett RB and Nguyen VM
Robert B. Howlett and Van Minh Nguyen, (2015), W-graph ideals and biideals.

Kožić S
Slaven Kožić, (2015), Vertex operators and principal subspaces of level one for Uq(sl^2).

Milićević E, Schwer P and Thomas A
Elizabeth Milićević, Petra Schwer and Anne Thomas, (2015), Dimensions of affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties: a new approach via labeled folded alcove walks and root operators.

Molev AI and Mukhin EE
A. I. Molev and E. E. Mukhin, (2015), Invariants of the vacuum module associated with the Lie superalgebra gl(1|1).

Molev AI and Mukhin EE
A. I. Molev and E. E. Mukhin, (2015), Eigenvalues of Bethe vectors in the Gaudin model.

Nguyen VM
Van Minh Nguyen, (2015), W-graph determining elements in type A.

Papanicolaou A
Andrew Papanicolaou, (2015), Extreme-Strike Comparisons and Structural Bounds for SPX and VIX Options.

Preprints for 2014

Arakawa T and Molev AI
Tomoyuki Arakawa and Alexander Molev, (2014), Explicit generators in rectangular affine W-algebras of type A.

Björklund M and Fish A
Michael Björklund, Alexander Fish, (2014), Ergodic theorems for coset spaces.

Brzeźniak Z, Goldys B and Gia QTL
Zdzisław Brzeźniak, Ben Goldys and Q. T. Le Gia, (2014), Random attractors for the stochastic Navier–Stokes equations on the 2D unit sphere.

Brzeźniak Z, Goldys B and Gia QTL
Z. Brzeźniak, B. Goldys and Quoc Thong Le Gia, (2014), Random dynamical systems generated by stochastic Navier–Stokes equation on the rotating sphere.

Budney R and Hillman JA
R.Budney and J.A.Hillman, (2014), A small infinitely-ended 2-knot group.

Bulinski K and Fish A
Kamil Bulinski, Alexander Fish, (2014), Plünnecke inequalities for measure graphs with applications.

Cîrstea FC and Vétois J
Florica C. Cîrstea, Jérôme Vétois, (2014), Fundamental solutions for anisotropic elliptic equations: existence and a priori estimates.

Carberry E and Turner K
Emma Carberry and Katharine Turner, (2014), Toda frames, harmonic maps and extended Dynkin diagrams.

Chan N and Wang Q
Nigel Chan and Qiying Wang, (2014), Nonlinear regressions with nonstationary time series.

Chan N and Wang Q
Nigel Chan and Qiying Wang, (2014), Supplement to "Nonlinear regressions with nonstationary time series".

Chojnowska-Michalik A and Goldys B
Anna Chojnowska-Michalik and Ben Goldys, (2014), Exponential ergodicity of semilinear equations driven by Lévy processes in Hilbert spaces.

Dancer EN, Daners D and Hauer D
E. N. Dancer, Daniel Daners, Daniel Hauer, (2014), A Liouville theorem for p-harmonic functions on exterior domains.

Easdown D and Saunders N
David Easdown and Neil Saunders, (2014), The Smallest Faithful Permutation Degree for a Direct Product obeying an Inequality Condition.

Futorny V and Molev AI
Vyacheslav Futorny and Alexander Molev, (2014), Quantization of the shift of argument subalgebras in type A.

Goldys B and Zhang X
Ben Goldys and Xicheng Zhang, (2014), BV Functions, Caccioppoli Sets and Divergence Theorem over Wiener Spaces.

Hauer D
Daniel Hauer, (2014), The p-Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator with applications to elliptic and parabolic problems.

Hillman JA
J.A.Hillman, (2014), Indecomposable non-orientable PD3-complexes.

Liu W, Chan N and Wang Q
Weidong Liu, Nigel Chan and Qiying Wang, (2014), Uniform approximation to local time with applications in non-linear co-integrating regression.

Matsumoto T and Molev AI
Takuya Matsumoto and Alexander Molev, (2014), Representations of centrally extended Lie superalgebra psl(2|2).

Molev AI and Ragoucy E
A. I. Molev and E. Ragoucy, (2014), Classical W-algebras in types A, B, C, D and G.

Wang Q and Phillips PCB
Qiying Wang and Peter CB Phillips, (2014), Nonparametric Cointegrating Regression with Endogeneity and Long Memory.

Preprints for 2013

Björklund M and Fish A
Michael Björklund, Alexander Fish, (2013), Product set phenomena for countable groups.

Björklund M and Fish A
Michael Björklund, Alexander Fish, (2013), Plunnecke inequalities for countable abelian groups.

Brandolini B, Chiacchio F, Cîrstea FC and Trombetti C
B. Brandolini, F. Chiacchio, F. C. Cîrstea, C. Trombetti, (2013), Local behaviour of singular solutions for nonlinear elliptic equations in divergence form.

Brzeźniak Z, Goldys B and Neklyudov M
Zdzisław Brzeźniak, Ben Goldys and Misha Neklyudov, (2013), Multidimensional stochastic Burgers equation.

Brzeźniak Z, Goldys B, Peszat S and Russo F
Zdzisław Brzeźniak, Ben Goldys, Szymon Peszat, Francesco Russo, (2013), Second Order PDEs with Dirichlet White Noise Boundary Condition.

Creutz B
Brendan Creutz, (2013), On the local-global principle for divisibility in the cohomology of elliptic curves.

Creutz B and Viray B
Brendan Creutz, Bianca Viray, (2013), On Brauer groups of double covers of ruled surfaces.

Easdown D and Shneerson LM
D. Easdown and L.M. Shneerson, (2013), Growth of Rees quotients of free inverse semigroups defined by small numbers of relators.

Fish A and Gurevich S
Alexander Fish, Shamgar Gurevich, (2013), Almost linear complexity methods for delay-Doppler channel estimation.

Giudici M, Li CH, Seress A and Thomas A
Michael Giudici, Cai Heng Li, Akos Seress and Anne Thomas, (2013), Characterising star-transitive and st(edge)-transitive graphs.

Goldys B, Le KN and Tran T
Ben Goldys, Kim-Ngan Le and Thanh Tran, (2013), A finite element approximation for the stochastic Landau–Lifschitz–Gilbert equation.

Goldys B, Peszat S and Zabczyk J
Ben Goldys, Szymon Peszat and Jerzy Zabczyk, (2013), Gauss-Markov processes on Hilbert spaces.

Hillman JA
J.A.Hillman, (2013), Seifert fibred knot manifolds.

Hillman JA
J.A.Hillman, (2013), An aspherical 5-manifold with perfect fundamental group.

Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman, (2013), Sections of surface bundles.

Hu J and Mathas A
Jun Hu and Andrew Mathas, (2013), Seminormal forms and cyclotomic quiver Hecke algebras of type A.

Ivers DJ and Phillips CG
D.J. Ivers and C.G. Phillips,, (2013), Homogeneous planar and two-dimensional mean-field antidynamo theorems with zero mean flow.

Koonin J
Justin Koonin, (2013), Topology of eigenspace posets for unitary reflection groups.

Koonin J
Justin Koonin, (2013), Topology of eigenspace posets for imprimitive reflection groups.

Koonin J
Justin Koonin, (2013), Homology representations of unitary reflection groups.

Lam T and Thomas A
Thomas Lam and Anne Thomas, (2013), Infinite reduced words and the Tits boundary of a Coxeter group.

Mathas A
Andrew Mathas, (2013), Graded representation theory of the cyclotomic quiver Hecke algebras of type A.

Mathas A and Soriano M
Andrew Mathas and Marcos Soriano, (2013), Blocks of the truncated q-Schur algebras of type A.

Molev AI and Mukhin EE
A. I. Molev and E. E. Mukhin, (2013), Yangian characters and classical W-algebras.

Savage A and Yacobi O
Alistair Savage and Oded Yacobi, (2013), Categorification and Heisenberg doubles arising from towers of algebras.

Preprints for 2012

Capdeboscq I, Rumynin D and Thomas A
Inna Capdeboscq, Dmitriy Rumynin and Anne Thomas, (2012), Cocompact lattices on A~n buildings.

Capdeboscq I and Thomas A
Inna Capdeboscq and Anne Thomas, (2012), Constructions of cocompact lattices for certain higher-rank complete Kac-Moody groups.

Capdeboscq I and Thomas A
Inna Capdeboscq and Anne Thomas, (2012), Cocompact lattices in complete Kac-Moody groups with Weyl group right-angled or a free product of spherical special subgroups.

Carberry E
Emma Carberry, (2012), Harmonic Maps And Integrable Systems.

Carberry E and Schmidt MU
Emma Carberry and Martin Ulrich Schmidt, (2012), The closure of spectral data for constant mean curvature tori in S3.

Carberry E and Turner K
Emma Carberry and Katharine Turner, (2012), Harmonic tori in de Sitter spaces S12n.

Chan N and Wang Q
Nigel Chan and Qiying Wang, (2012), Uniform convergence for Nadaraya-Watson estimators with non-stationary data.

Chan N and Wang Q
Nigel Chan and Qiying Wang, (2012), Nonlinear cointegrating regressions with nonstationary time series.

Creutz B
Brendan Creutz, (2012), Second p-descents on elliptic curves.

Creutz B
Brendan Creutz, (2012), Locally trivial torsors that are not Weil-Châtelet divisible.

Creutz B
Brendan Creutz, (2012), Explicit descent in the Picard group of a cyclic cover of the projective line.

Dani P and Thomas A
Pallavi Dani and Anne Thomas, (2012), Divergence in right-angled Coxeter groups.

de Leeuw M, Matsumoto T, Moriyama S, Regelskis V and Torrielli A
Marius de Leeuw, Takuya Matsumoto, Sanefumi Moriyama, Vidas Regelskis, Alessandro Torrielli, (2012), Secret Symmetries in AdS/CFT.

Easdown D and Wood LN
David Easdown and Leigh Wood, (2012), Novel threshold concepts in the mathematical sciences.

Fish A, Gurevich S, Hadani R, Sayeed A and Schwartz O
A. Fish, S. Gurevich, R. Hadani, A. Sayeed, O. Schwartz, (2012), Delay-Doppler Channel Estimation with Almost Linear Complexity.

Fun A
Alex Fun, (2012), Raising operators and the Littlewood-Richardson polynomials.

Hillman JA
J. A. Hillman, (2012), The F2-cohomology rings of Sol3-manifolds.

Iorgov N, Molev AI and Ragoucy E
N. Iorgov, A. I. Molev and E. Ragoucy, (2012), Casimir elements from the Brauer-Schur-Weyl duality.

Kawaguchi I, Matsumoto T and Yoshida K
Io Kawaguchi, Takuya Matsumoto, Kentaroh Yoshida, (2012), The classical origin of quantum affine algebra in squashed sigma models.

Kawaguchi I, Matsumoto T and Yoshida K
Io Kawaguchi, Takuya Matsumoto, Kentaroh Yoshida, (2012), On the classical equivalence of monodromy matrices in squashed sigma model.

Thomas A
Anne Thomas, (2012), Lattices in hyperbolic buildings.

Wang Q and Chan N
Qiying Wang and Nigel Chan, (2012), Uniform convergence rates for a class of martingales with application in non-linear co-integrating regression.

Preprints for 2011

Cîrstea FC
Florica C. Cîrstea, (2011), A complete classification of the isolated singularities for nonlinear elliptic equations with inverse square potentials.

Carberry E, Leschke K and Pedit F
Emma Carberry, Katrin Leschke and Franz Pedit, (2011), Darboux transforms and spectral curves of constant mean curvature surfaces revisited.

Carberry E and Turner K
Emma Carberry and Katharine Turner, (2011), Toda frames, harmonic maps and extended Dynkin diagrams.

Easdown D
David Easdown, (2011), Excursions to and from semantic oblivion.

Hillman JA
J.A.Hillman, (2011), Parallelizability of 4-dimensional infrasolvmanifolds.

Hillman JA
J.A.Hillman, (2011), An infrasolvmanifold which does not bound.

Hu J and Mathas A
Jun Hu and Andrew Mathas, (2011), Quiver Schur algebras for the linear quiver I.

Isaev AP, Molev AI and Ogievetsky OV
A. P. Isaev, A. I. Molev and O. V. Ogievetsky, (2011), A new fusion procedure for the Brauer algebra and evaluation homomorphisms.

Isaev AP, Molev AI and Ogievetsky OV
A. P. Isaev, A. I. Molev and O. V. Ogievetsky, (2011), Idempotents for Birman-Murakami-Wenzl algebras and reflection equation.

Kleshchev AS, Mathas A and Ram A
Alexander Kleshchev, Andrew Mathas and Arun Ram, (2011), Universal graded Specht modules for cyclotomic Hecke algebras.

Leeuw M, Matsumoto T and Regelskis V
Marius de Leeuw, Takuya Matsumoto, Vidas Regelskis, (2011), The Bound State S-matrix of the Deformed Hubbard Chain.

Leeuw M, Matsumoto T and Regelskis V
Marius de Leeuw, Takuya Matsumoto, Vidas Regelskis, (2011), Coideal Quantum Affine Algebra and Boundary Scattering of the Deformed Hubbard Chain.

Molev AI
A. I. Molev, (2011), Feigin-Frenkel center in types B, C and D.

Molev AI
A. I. Molev, (2011), Pfaffian-type Sugawara operators.

Molev AI and Rozhkovskaya N
A. I. Molev and N. Rozhkovskaya, (2011), Characteristic maps for the Brauer algebra.

Ormerod JT and Wand MP
Ormerod, J.T. and Wand, M.P ., (2011), Gaussian Variational Approximate Inference for Generalized Linear Mixed Models.

Sa Ngiamsunthorn P
Parinya Sa Ngiamsunthorn, (2011), An abstract approach to domain perturbation for parabolic equations and parabolic variational inequalities.

Sa Ngiamsunthorn P
Parinya Sa Ngiamsunthorn, (2011), Invariant manifolds for parabolic equations under perturbation of the domain.

Wand MP, Ormerod JT, Padoan SA and Fruhwirth R
Wand, M.P., Ormerod, J.T., Padoan, S.A. & Fruhwirth, R., (2011), Variational Bayes for Elaborate Distributions.

Wang Q
QIYING WANG, (2011), Martingale limit theorems revisited and non-linear cointegrating regression.

Wang Q and Wang YXR
Qiying Wang and Ying Xiang Rachel Wang, (2011), Non-parametric cointegrating regression with NNH errors.

Preprints for 2010

Bridson MR, Groves D, Hillman JA and Martin GJ
M.Bridson, D.Groves, J.A.Hillman, G.J.Martin, (2010), Cofinitely Hopfian groups, open mappings and knot complements.

Capdeboscq I and Thomas A
Inna (Korchagina) Capdeboscq and Anne Thomas, (2010), Cocompact lattices of minimal covolume in rank 2 Kac-Moody groups, Part I: Edge-transitive lattices.

Capdeboscq I and Thomas A
Inna (Korchagina) Capdeboscq and Anne Thomas, (2010), Cocompact lattices of minimal covolume in rank 2 Kac-Moody groups, Part II.

Davydov A and Molev AI
Alexei Davydov and Alexander Molev, (2010), A categorical approach to classical and quantum Schur-Weyl duality.

Duistermaat JJ and Joshi N
J. J. Duistermaat and N. Joshi, (2010), Okamoto's space for the first Painlevé equation in Boutroux's coordinates.

East J
James East, (2010), On the singular part of the partition monoid.

East J
James East, (2010), Singular braids and partial permutations.

East J and McNamara PJ
James East and Peter McNamara, (2010), On the work performed by a transformation semigroup.

Farb B, Hruska GC and Thomas A
Benson Farb, G. Christopher Hruska and Anne Thomas, (2010), Problems on automorphism groups of nonpositively curved polyhedral complexes and their lattices.

Futer D and Thomas A
David Futer and Anne Thomas, (2010), Surface quotients of hyperbolic buildings.

Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman, (2010), The linking pairings of orientable seifert manifolds.

Hillman JA
Jonathan A.Hillman, (2010), The groups of fibred 2-knots.

Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman, (2010), S2-bundles over 2-orbifolds.

Hu J
Jun Hu, (2010), On a generalisation of the Dipper–James–Murphy Conjecture.

Hu J and Mathas A
Jun Hu and Andrew Mathas, (2010), Morita equivalences of cyclotomic Hecke algebras of type G(r,p,n) II: the (ε,q)-separated case.

Hu J and Mathas A
Jun Hu and Andrew Mathas, (2010), Graded induction for Specht modules.

Kubena A and Thomas A
Angela Kubena and Anne Thomas, (2010), Density of commensurators for uniform lattices of right-angled buildings.

Molev AI
A. I. Molev, (2010), Combinatorial bases for covariant representations of the Lie superalgebra glm|n.

Roper M
Michael Roper, (2010), Arbitrage Free Implied Volatility Surfaces.

Roper M
Michael Roper, (2010), Implied volatility: small time-to-expiry asymptotics in exponential Levy models.

Shneerson LM and Easdown D
L.M. Shneerson and D. Easdown, (2010), Growth of finitely presented Rees quotients of free inverse semigroups.

Thomas A
Anne Thomas, (2010), Existence, covolumes and infinite generation of lattices for Davis complexes.

Thomas A and Wortman K
Anne Thomas and Kevin Wortman, (2010), Infinite generation of non-cocompact lattices on right-angled buildings.

Wishart JR and Kułik R
Justin Wishart, Rafal Kułik, (2010), Kink estimation in stochastic regression with dependent errors and predictors.

Preprints for 2009

Blumen SC
Sacha C. Blumen, (2009), On the Uq(osp(1|2n)) and Uq(so(2n+1)) uncoloured quantum link invariants.

Cîrstea FC and Du Y
Florica C. Cîrstea and Yihong Du, (2009), Isolated singularities for weighted quasilinear elliptic equations.

Carberry E
Emma Carberry, (2009), Associative Cones in the Imaginary Octonions.

Daners D and Kennedy JB
Daniel Daners and James B. Kennedy, (2009), On the asymptotic behaviour of the eigenvalues of a Robin problem.

Easdown D
David Easdown, (2009), Syntactic and semantic reasoning in mathematics teaching and learning.

Easdown D, Ancev T, Bishop T, Mansfield S, Ougrinovskaia A, Saunders N and Warren D
David Easdown, Tiho Ancev, Thomas Bishop, Sarah Mansfield, Anna Ougrinovskaia, Neil Saunders, Di Warren, (2009), Learning and teaching in summer: is it better and why?.

Easdown D, Jordan P and Roberts B
David Easdown, Patrick Jordan, Brad Roberts, (2009), Biordered sets and fundamental semigroups.

Gow L and Molev AI
Lucy Gow and Alexander Molev, (2009), Representations of twisted q-Yangians.

Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman, (2009), Alexander polynomials of ribbon links.

Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman, (2009), 2-knots with solvable groups.

Hu J
Jun Hu, (2009), BMW algebra, quantized coordinate algebra and type C Schur–Weyl duality.

Hu J and Mathas A
Jun Hu and Andrew Mathas, (2009), Graded cellular bases for the cyclotomic Khovanov-Lauda-Rouquier algebras of type A.

Isaev AP and Molev AI
A. P. Isaev and A. I. Molev, (2009), Fusion procedure for the Brauer algebra.

Kennedy JB
JB Kennedy, (2009), Some remarks on the isoperimetric problem for the higher eigenvalues of the Robin and Wentzell Laplacians.

Mathas A
Andrew Mathas, (2009), A Specht filtration of an induced Specht module.

Molev AI and Ragoucy E
A. I. Molev and E. Ragoucy, (2009), The MacMahon Master Theorem for right quantum superalgebras and higher Sugawara operators for gl^(m|n).

Murray SH and Saunders N
Scott H. Murray and Neil Saunders, (2009), Magma Proof of Strict Inequalities for Minimal Degrees of Finite Groups.

Parkinson J and Schapira B
James Parkinson and Bruno Schapira, (2009), A local limit theorem for random walks on the chambers of A~2 buildings.

Saunders N
Neil Saunders, (2009), Minimal Faithful Permutation Degrees for Irreducible Coxeter Groups.

Preprints for 2008

Chaudhuri N and Cîrstea FC
Nirmalendu Chaudhuri, Florica C. Cîrstea, (2008), On trichotomy of positive singular solutions associated with the Hardy-Sobolev operator.

Chervov AV and Molev AI
A. V. Chervov and A. I. Molev, (2008), On higher order Sugawara operators.

Cohen AM, Knopper JW and Murray SH
Arjeh M. Cohen, Jan Willem Knopper, Scott H. Murray, (2008), Automatic proof of graph nonisomorphism.

Cohen AM and Murray SH
Arjeh M. Cohen, Scott H. Murray, (2008), Algorithm for Lang's Theorem.

Cohen AM and Murray SH
Arjeh M. Cohen, Scott H. Murray, (2008), An automated proof theory approach to computation with permutation groups.

Cooperman G and Murray SH
Gene Cooperman, Scott H. Murray, (2008), Computable subgroup chains and shadowing.

Easdown D, Sapir MV and Volkov MV
D. Easdown, M.V. Sapir and M.V. Volkov, (2008), Periodic elements of the free idempotent generated semigroup on a biordered set.

Futorny V, Molev AI and Ovsienko S
V. Futorny, A. Molev and S. Ovsienko, (2008), Gelfand-Kirillov conjecture and Harish-Chandra modules for finite W-algebras.

Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman, (2008), Finiteness conditions in covers of Poincaré duality spaces.

Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman, (2008), Embedding 3-manifolds with circle actions in 4-space.

Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman, (2008), Geometric decompositions of 4-dimensional bundle spaces.

Hillman JA
J.A.Hillman, (2008), Indecomposable PD3-complexes.

Hillman JA and Schmidt A
Jonathan A. Hillman and Alexander Schmidt, (2008), Pro-p groups of positive deficiency.

Isaev AP, Molev AI and Os'kin AF
A. P. Isaev, A. I. Molev and A. F. Os'kin, (2008), On the idempotents of Hecke algebras.

Ivers DJ and Latter H
David Ivers and Henrik Latter, (2008), Spherical Single-Roll Dynamos at Large Magnetic Reynolds Numbers.

Jomaa Z and Macaskill C
Z. Jomaa and C. Macaskill, (2008), Numerical solution of the 2-D Poisson equation on an irregular domain with Robin boundary conditions.

Joshi N, Kitaev AV and Treharne PA
N. Joshi, A. V. Kitaev and P. A. Treharne, (2008), On the linearization of the first and second Painlevé equations.

Joshi N and Morrison T
Nalini Joshi and Tegan Morrison, (2008), New Exact Solutions of Spatially and Temporally Varying Reaction-Diffusion Equations.

Kennedy J
James Kennedy, (2008), An isoperimetric inequality for the second eigenvalue of the Laplacian with Robin boundary conditions.

Kułik R and Raimondo M
Rafal Kułik and Marc Raimondo, (2008), Lp-wavelet regression with correlated errors and inverse problems.

Mathas A and Orellana R
Andrew Mathas and Rosa Orellana, (2008), Cyclotomic Solomon algebras.

Molev AI
A. I. Molev, (2008), Comultiplication rules for the double Schur functions and Cauchy identities.

Murray SH and Nguyen MVM
Scott H. Murray, Man V. M. Nguyen, (2008), Enumeration of strength 3 mixed orthogonal arrays.

Murray SH and Roney-Dougal CM
Scott H. Murray, Colva M. Roney-Dougal, (2008), The spinor norm and homomorphism algorithms for classical groups.

Saunders N
Neil Saunders, (2008), The Minimal Degree for a Class of Finite Complex Reflection Groups.

Schaerf TM and Macaskill C
T. M. Schaerf and C. Macaskill, (2008), Analysis of Contour Crossings in Contour-Advective Simulations - Part 1 - Algorithm.

Preprints for 2007

Billig Y, Molev AI and Zhang RB
Yuly Billig, Alexander Molev and Ruibin Zhang, (2007), Differential equations in vertex algebras and simple modules for the Lie algebra of vector fields on a torus.

Buchen PW and Ho-Shon K
Peter Buchen and Kevin Ho-Shon, (2007), Valuation of Real Estate Leases.

Easdown D
David Easdown, (2007), The role of proof in mathematics teaching and the Plateau Principle.

Easdown D
David Easdown, (2007), The importance of true-false statements in mathematics teaching and learning.

Easdown D, East J and FitzGerald DG
David Easdown, James East, D.G. FitzGerald, (2007), A presentation for the dual symmetric inverse monoid.

Futorny V, Molev AI and Ovsienko S
V. Futorny, A. Molev and S. Ovsienko, (2007), Gelfand-Tsetlin bases for representations of finite W-algebras and shifted Yangians.

Hay M
Mike Hay, (2007), Hierarchies of nonlinear q-difference equations from series of Lax pairs.

Hillman JA
JA Hillman, (2007), Geometries and infrasolvmanifolds in dimension 4.

Hillman JA
J.A.Hillman, (2007), Commensurators and deficiency.

Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman, (2007), Strongly minimal PD4-complexes.

Joshi N, Kitaev AV and Treharne PA
N. Joshi, A.V. Kitaev, P.A. Treharne, (2007), 3×3 Lax pairs for the fourth, fifth and sixth Painlevé equations.

Lehrer GI
G I Lehrer, (2007), Rational points and Coxeter group actions on the cohomology of toric varieties.

Molev AI
A. I. Molev, (2007), Littlewood-Richardson polynomials.

Molev AI and Ragoucy E
A. I. Molev and E. Ragoucy, (2007), Symmetries and invariants of twisted quantum algebras and associated Poisson algebras.

Petrov VV and Robinson J
Valentin V. Petrov, John Robinson, (2007), On large deviations for sums of independent random variables.

Raimondo M and Stewart M
Marc Raimondo and Michael Stewart, (2007), The WaveD Transform in R: performs fast translation-invariant wavelet deconvolution..

Saunders N
Neil Saunders, (2007), A Strict Inequality for a Minimal Degree of a Direct Product.

Wilson BJ
Benjamin Wilson, (2007), Imaginary Highest-Weight Representation Theory and Symmetric Functions.

Wilson BJ
Ben Wilson, (2007), Highest-Weight Theory for Truncated Current Lie Algebras.

Preprints for 2006

Cohen AM, Haller S and Murray SH
Arjeh M. Cohen, Sergei Haller, Scott H. Murray, (2006), Computing in unipotent and reductive algebraic groups.

Cohen AM and Taylor DE
Arjeh M. Cohen and D. E. Taylor, (2006), On a certain Lie algebra defined by a finite group.

Easdown D
David Easdown, (2006), Teaching mathematics: the gulf between semantics (meaning) and syntax (form).

Easdown D
David Easdown, (2006), Integrating assessment and feedback to overcome barriers to learning at the passive/active interface in mathematics courses.

Easdown D
David Easdown, (2006), A new approach to assignments and examinations in mathematics courses.

Field CM and Ormerod CM
C. M. Field and C. M. Ormerod, (2006), Multicomponent qPIV and its ultradiscrete limit.

Gao J and Wang Q
Jiti Gao and Qiying Wang, (2006), Long–Range Dependent Time Series Specification.

Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman, (2006), On Farber's invariants for simple 2q-knots.

Hillman JA
Jonathan A.Hillman, (2006), Knot groups and slice conditions.

Hu Z, Petrov VV and Robinson J
Zhishui Hu, Valentin V. Petrov, John Robinson, (2006), On large deviations of sums of independent random variables.

Hu Z, Robinson J and Wang Q
Zhishui Hu, John Robinson and Qiying Wang, (2006), Cramer-type large deviations for samples from a finite population.

Ivers DJ and Phillips CG
D. J. Ivers, C. G. Phillips, (2006), Scalar and vector spherical harmonic spectral equations of rotating non-linear and linearised magnetohydrodynamics.

Lyle SL and Mathas A
Sinead Lyle and Andrew Mathas, (2006), Blocks of affine and cyclotomic Hecke algebras.

Mathas A and Soriano M
Andrew Mathas and Marcos Soriano (appendix), (2006), Seminormal forms and Gram determinants for cellular algebras.

Murray SH
Scott H. Murray, (2006), Representations of parabolic and Borel subgroups.

Ormerod CM
Chris Ormerod, (2006), Ultradiscrete connection matrices over a tropical semiring.

Ormerod CM
Chris Ormerod, (2006), Ultradiscrete hypergeometric solutions to Painlevé cellular automata.

Peiris MS, Bhar R and Allen DE
Shelton Peiris, Ramprasad Bhar, David Allen, (2006), Analysis and Applications of Autoregressive Moving Average Models with Stochastic Variance.

Peiris MS and Thavaneswaran A
M.S.Peiris and A.Thavaneswaran, (2006), An Introduction to Volatility Models with Indices.

Ramani A, Joshi N, Grammaticos B and Tamizhmani T
A. Ramani, N. Joshi, B. Grammaticos, T. Tamizhmani, (2006), Deconstructing an integrable lattice.

Preprints for 2005

Antony N
Noelle Antony, (2005), On Parabolic Submonoids of Singular Artin Monoids.

Carls R
Robert Carls, (2005), Theta null points of canonical lifts I.

Carls R
Robert Carls, (2005), Theta null points of canonical lifts II.

Cox AG, Martin PP, Parker AE and Xi C
A. G. Cox, P. P. Martin, A. E. Parker and C. Xi, (2005), Representation theory of towers of recollement: theory notes and examples.

East J
James East, (2005), Cofull Embeddings in Coset Monoids.

East J
James East, (2005), The Work Performed by a Transformation Semigroup.

Gow L
Lucy Gow, (2005), A Recent Look at the Quantum Berezinian in the Yangian Y(glm|n).

Hillman JA
J. A. Hillman, (2005), A remark on 4-manifolds with zero entropy metrics.

Hillman JA and Kochloukova DH
J.A. Hillman and D.H. Kochloukova, (2005), Finiteness conditions and PDr-group covers of PDn-complexes.

Hornibrook J, Balasuriya S and Lafortune S
John Hornibrook, Sanjeeva Balasuriya and Stephane Lafortune, (2005), High Lewis number combustion wavefronts.

Joshi N and Ormerod CM
Nalini Joshi, Chris Ormerod, (2005), The general theory of linear difference equations over the invertible max-plus algebra.

Parker AE
Alison Parker, (2005), Good l-filtrations for q-GL_3(k).

Parkinson J
J. Parkinson, (2005), Isotropic Random Walks on Affine Buildings.

Preprints for 2004

Antony N
Noelle Antony, (2004), Positive singular Artin monoids inject into their singular Artin monoids.

Bertram WK
William Bertram, (2004), An empirical investigation of Australian Stock Exchange Data.

Buchen PW
P W Buchen, (2004), Pricing European barrier options.

Caro D
Daniel Caro, (2004), Overcoherence: holonomicity of unit-root F-isocrystals.

Cox AG and Parker AE
Anton Cox and Alison Parker, (2004), Homomorphisms between Weyl modules for SL_3(k).

Farajollahi H and Luckock HC
Hossein Farajollahi and Hugh Luckock, (2004), Stochastic quantisation of locally supersymmetric models.

Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman, (2004), Polynomials of equivariantly slice knots.

Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman, (2004), Finitely dominated subnormal covers of 4-manifolds.

Hillman JA and Roushon SK
J.A.Hillman and S.K.Roushon, (2004), Surgery on SL~×En-manifolds.

Lyle SL
Sinéad Lyle, (2004), Some results obtained by application of the LLT algorithm.

Merrifield A, Myerscough MR and Weber NC
Alistair Merrifield, Mary Myerscough and Neville Weber, (2004), A model of spatial sorting in animal groups, with an application to honeybee swarm movement.

Molev AI
A. I. Molev, (2004), A quantum Sylvester theorem and skew representations of twisted Yangians.

Ormerod CM
Chris Ormerod, (2004), Cellular automata model of HIV infection on tilings of the plane.

Parker AE
Alison Parker, (2004), Higher extensions between modules for SL_2.

Preprints for 2003

Bachtiar AA, Ivers DJ and James RW
A.A. Bachtiar, D.J. Ivers, R.W. James, (2003), Numerical investigation of the planar velocity antidynamo theorem in a sphere.

Bleile B
Beatrice Bleile, (2003), Realization of homotopy invariants by PD3-pairs.

Caro D
Daniel Caro, (2003), D-modules arithmétiques surcohérents. Application aux fonctions L.

Cox B and Futorny V
Ben Cox and Vyacheslav Futorny, (2003), Intermediate Wakimoto modules for affine sl(n+1).

Futorny V and Ovsienko S
V.Futorny and S.Ovsienko, (2003), Kostant theorem for special filtered algebras.

Skipper M and Buchen PW
Max Skipper and Peter Buchen, (2003), The Quintessential Option Pricing Formula.

Preprints for 2002

Bleile B
Bea Bleile, (2002), Homotopy Classification of PD3-pairs.

Tulunay I
Ilknur Tulunay, (2002), Cuspidal modules as summands of a Gelfand-Graev module.