
Internal Pages

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Work Health and Safety

Each member of staff and each student is responsible for ensuring that his or her own work environment is conducive to good work health and safety.

You should

  • Understand WHS policy (see links below);
  • Read the emergency and evacuation procedures relating to the Carslaw building (see links below);
  • Ensure you know the location of emergency equipment, if you are appropriately trained;
  • Report hazards either to the School Manager or to the Safety officer (who will conduct a hazard assessment and control procedure);
  • Understand how to use ergonomic equipment (see link below);
  • Ensure you take regular breaks from keyboard and mouse work;
  • Seek information or advice before carrying out new or unfamiliar work practices;
  • Consume and store food and drink only in designated areas (such as the 7th floor common room);
  • Contact the general office if you have old furniture or computers or other items for disposal. Do not leave items in the hallways as doing so may cause obstruction in the event of an emergency evacuation.

Emergency Telephone Numbers

  • Ambulance/Fire/Police: 000 (from an external line or mobile phone),
  • Ambulance/Fire/Police: 0000 (from an internal phone)
  • Ambulance from a GSM mobile: 112
  • Campus Security: extn 13333
  • University Health Service (in Wentworth Building): extn 13484

Useful School contacts

Other First Aid Officers in the Carslaw Building

  • Stephanie Swanson: Room 631, Extn 18080.
