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Postgraduate program

The School of Mathematics and Statistics offers Higher Degree by Research (HDR) programs leading to the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy (Science) and Master of Philosophy (Science).

The School also offers the Master of Mathematical Sciences degree, and the units of study STAT5002 and STAT5003 form part of the Master of Information Technology.

NEW in 2024
In 2024 the Master of Data Analytics will be offered for the first time. This fully online course offers a breadth of data analytics knowledge, covering a multitude of qualitative and quantitative data research methods and their applications across industries, including business, health care, architecture, and political science.

For current and newly enrolled postgraduate students

Students should read the "School of Mathematics and Statistics higher degree by research procedures" document.

Please note that HDR candidatures and examinations of theses are managed by the HDR Administration Centre (HDRAC). To find detailed information on important matters such as:

  • enrolment, research periods and census dates,
  • compulsory HDR units of study: Work, Health and Safety (WHS), Responsible Research Practice, and Human Ethics,
  • supervisory arrangements, in particular, requesting to change a supervisor,
  • Faculty milestones: research plan, research seminar, first year report, intermediate research presentation, final research report,
  • research progress: progress plan, first-year integrity check, annual progress review (APR),
  • financial support for travel to attend conferences, workshops, and summer/winter schools through the Postgraduate Research Support Scheme (PRSS),
  • travel insurance policy,
  • requesting leave of absence or suspension from your research,
  • recommencing of your studies after suspension,
  • applying for an extension of candidature,
  • preparation of your thesis and thesis composition,
  • thesis submission procedure,
  • examination process and outcomes,
  • final thesis lodgement and graduation ceremony.

Please visit HDRAC. You may also contact HDRAC by email:

Degree entry requirements: Doctor of Philosophy (Science)

Applicants for a PhD (Science) program MUST hold a Master's degree or a Bachelor's degree with First Class Honours from the University of Sydney or an equivalent qualification from another university or institution. Further information about applications for admission, applications for scholarship, fees and deadlines for domestic and international students can be found on the Sydney Courses Doctor of Philosophy webpage.

Degree entry requirements: Master of Philosophy (Science)

Applicants for a MPhil (Science) program should hold a Bachelor's degree or an equivalent qualification. Further information about applications for admission, applications for scholarship, fees and deadlines for domestic and international students can be found on the Sydney Courses Master of Philosophy webpage.

Degree entry requirements: Graduate Diploma in Science

The Graduate Diploma in Science provides an alternate entry qualification for PhD. It is identical in content to the Honours (4th year) course and is available to candidates who are not eligible to enrol in that course, usually because of their background in Mathematics or Statistics from outside the University of Sydney. Graduate Diploma is a full fee-paying course. Further information about applications and fees can be found on the Sydney Courses Graduate Diploma in Science webpage.


For information on research scholarships (such as RTP/UPA for domestic students and RTP/UsydIS for international students) go to Postgraduate Scholarships. Note that

  • domestic students have to submit two separate applications: the PhD/MPhil application and the scholarship application,
  • international students only click the relevant box in their PhD/MPhil application.

Study abroad and student exchange

Study abroad and student exchange are the two main program options for students enrolled at international universities and looking to study at the University of Sydney as part of their degree.

  • As an exchange student you remain enrolled full time at your home institution while you attend the University of Sydney. While you are in Sydney you will continue to pay your usual tuition fees and other student fees to your home institution. A student from the University of Sydney will do the same in reverse, and the result is an exchange of students and places.
  • Study abroad is a separate program from student exchange and involves a student enrolling and paying fees directly to the University of Sydney. There is no reciprocal exchange agreement.
For more information go to study abroad and student exchange.


Enquiries about postgraduate study in the School should be directed to the School's Coordinator of Postgraduate Studies Associate Professor Zsuzsanna Dancso by email

Mathematics and Statistics at Sydney

The School of Mathematics and Statistics offers a postgraduate program that is varied and flexible, catering for students of many different backgrounds. The School supports a policy of active research and insists on the highest standards of academic achievement. At present, the School consists of four research groups: Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics, Nonlinear Analysis and Pure Mathematics. The Pure Mathematics group is further divided into three subgroups: algebra, computational algebra, and analysis, geometry & topology.

The School holds regular seminars, workshops and conferences that ensure that its members stay abreast of latest developments. It also supports an active program of long term and short term visits by distinguished international academics.

The School has all the facilities of a well established and progressive teaching and research institution, including a modern library and an extensive computer network of workstations. In addition the network supports a number of high-speed processors and colour graphics systems. A wide variety of software packages is available including Magma (developed in the School), Spida, S-plus, Reduce, Mathematica and Matlab.

The School is proud of its postgraduate students. Our research students are a valuable resource and the School is committed to providing them with excellent research facilities and office space in which to work. Some financial aid is available to students to allow them to attend relevant conferences and workshops. Further support is offered in the form of part-time teaching, assignment and examination marking.

Sydney and the University

Sydney is the oldest and largest city in Australia, and the capital of New South Wales. The city has a population of over four million and operates as an international centre for commerce, finance and the arts for the Asia-Pacific region. Sydney is well known for its great natural scenic beauty, beaches and climate, as well as its high quality of life.

The University of Sydney, established in 1850, is the oldest of all the universities in Australia. It has nine colleges of residence for students and visiting scholars. It has two theatres, an art gallery, several museums and a thriving cultural life in all facets of the arts. For the physically active there is a wide range of sports facilities, including a covered full-size olympic pool, tennis and squash courts, two sporting ovals, gymnasiums, sports instructors and physiotherapists. Every effort is also made to accommodate the physically impaired.

The diversity of courses and degrees the University offers is unequalled in the country. It provides a lively and challenging environment in which to pursue all aspects of academic life.

The Australian academic year begins in late February. It is divided into two semesters with a winter break of about three weeks from mid-June through to mid-July. Coursework programs finish at the end of November.