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Open Learning Environment

What are OLEs?

OLEs are Open Learning Environment units. They are a range of units that can be smaller than normal units—either zero, two or six credit points—and offer foundational knowledge and skills.

The zero credit point units will be available online to all students at the University, while the for credit units will be available to all students in the Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, and Bachelor of Economics, as well as to students in some specialist degrees. Students enrolled in degrees under the new structure beginning 2018, such as the Bachelor of Science and some specialist degrees (Bachelor of Advanced Computing, Bachelor of Economics), are required to take 12 credit points of OLE units. They will include online modules that may be accompanied by master classes and workshops. You should check your degree requirements to see if this applies to you.

The topics covered in the OLE will be diverse, not necessarily within a student's primary area of study, but with broad applicability in settings that graduates are likely to encounter: Design Thinking, Data Analysis, Ethics, Leadership, Programming and Cultural Competency, for example.

OLEs in the School of Mathematics and Statistics

In 2024 the School of Mathematics and Statistics will offer the OLE units listed below.

The following units are NOT running in 2024:

Follow the above links for more information on these units.

How to enrol in an OLE

For more details on OLEs, including how to enrol, login to Canvas and click the OLE link.

Students can enrol in 0CP OLEs on the USYD OLE Canvas site and 2CP OLEs using Sydney Student.

Timetables 2024

  • OLET1632 (July Int): Monday 24 June: 10–12noon and 2–4pm; Wednesday 26 June: 10–12noon (Optional Drop-ins); Monday 1 July: 10–12noon [presentations].
  • OLET1666 (Feb + July Int): No in-person or synchronous sessions.
  • OLET5602 (Aug Int) : No in-person or synchronous sessions.
  • OLET5606 (July Int): Tuesday 25 June: 9–11am and 1–3pm; Thursday 27 June: 10–12noon (Optional Drop-ins); Tuesday 2 July 9–11am [presentations].