
Undergraduate Study

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Senior Mathematics and Statistics Handbook

Examinations and Assessment

Examinations, Assessment and Grades

Examinations in senior Mathematics units of study are two hours in length, and are held in the examination period at the end of the semester in which the unit is offered. Statistics units have three hour examinations. Locations and seating details will be available on the web via MyUni. Examination timetables should be carefully checked in case of clashes. Clashes must be reported immediately to the Student Centre.

In each of the senior units in Mathematics and Statistics, the final assessment will be based on a mix of exam marks and marks for work assessed during the semester (assignments, quizzes, tutorial participation etc.). The precise arrangements for each unit will be provided in an Information Sheet distributed by the lecturer in the first week of the semester.

After final marks have been calculated, an examiners' meeting decides pass, credit, distinction and high distinction marks for each unit of study, and scaling is then carried out so that each student receives a score out of 100.

  • A score in the range 85 to 100 is a High Distinction,
  • a score in the range 75 to 84 is a Distinction,
  • a score in the range 65 to 74 is a Credit,
  • a score in the range 50 to 64 is a Pass.

Note 1: High Distinctions may be awarded in normal level units as well as advanced level units, for students of sufficient merit. It is expected, however, that there will be a considerably larger percentage of High Distinctions awarded in advanced units than in normal units.

Note 2: Students who receive a mark below 50 in any unit of study are strongly advised to see one of the coordinators as soon as possible to discuss their overall progress.

Special Consideration and Special Arrangements

Students who wish to request special consideration or special arrangements for assessment in a senior unit of study offered by the School of Mathematics and Statistics should first read the information on the following web page:


At the end of each semester results are mailed to students by the University Registrar, and are also available via MyUni. Any progressive assessment marks which may be released by the School of Mathematics and Statistics prior to this are provisional only, and may be modified by either the School or by the Registrar before they become final.

Timetabling Problems

Students with timetabling or other administrative problems that affect their attendance at lectures, tutorials and lab sessions should contact the appropriate coordinator at the beginning of each semester. This advice is of particular relevance to any students in Education Faculty who are absent from the university on teaching practice.