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Bob Howlett's teaching page


This page incorporates links to various documents associated to courses I have taught or am teaching. Anyone interested is welcome to download my notes for the following courses: Note that although this material is freely available for students of the University of Sydney, nevertheless I retain copyright. People who are not students of the University are permitted to download it, but for private use only.

All these things are in the form of portable document format (.pdf) files. To read or print them use Adobe's Acrobat Reader (which is free). To obtain it, click the icon below to go to the Acrobat Reader download page at Adobe's web site. Windows and Macintosh users can alternatively obtain Acrobat Reader from a local University of Sydney site (Macintosh, Windows), but this is not guaranteed to give you the latest version.

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Consultation times

To find out when I am available, check my personal timetable.

Lecture courses

In Semester 1 of 2006 I am teaching MATH3962 "Rings, Fields and Galois Theory". Some information relating to courses I have taught in the past appears below.

Maths 2008: Introduction to Modern Algebra
web page

Maths 3010: Information Theory
This unit, developed by Nigel O'Brian, has now essentially been incorporated in MATH3067.

Math3901: Metric Spaces
web page

Math3009: Number Theory
web page

Math3902: Algebra 1
This unit has been superseded by MATH3962 "Rings, Fields and Galois Theory".
The lecture notes Rings, Fields and an Introduction to Galois Theory are still used in the new unit.

Math3002: Rings and Fields
An Undergraduate Course in Abstract Algebra. Note that MATH3002 has been superseded by MATH3062.

Group representation theory
(Lecture notes from a 3rd year course I gave in 1997. They are rife with misprints, I'm afraid.)

Solutions to Tutorial 1 and Tutorial 5.

Math2902: Linear Algebra (advanced)
There is a web page, and also a book of lecture notes: Vector Space Theory.

Euclidean reflection groups
Aspects of Symmetry

Bob Howlett's front page.