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University of Sydney PDE Seminars in 2010

Archive of Talks 2010

Seminar associated with the Non-Linear Analysis Research Group. Organisers: Florica Cîrstea and Daniel Daners.

Click on the titles below to see the abstracts.

Mon 1st Leobardo Rosales The two-valued minimal surface equation
Mon 15th Takayoshi Ogawa Critical cases of the degenrate drift-diffusion system
Mon 22th Hideo Kozono Leray's inequality in multi-connected domains
Mon 29th Julie Clutterbuck Lower bounds for the fundamental gap
Mon 12th Gary Lieberman Elliptic equations with singular lower order terms
Mon 19th Pascal Auscher Boundary value problems for elliptic systems with L2-data
Mon 10th James Kennedy The asymptotic behaviour of the eigenvalues of a Robin problem
Mon 1st Kelei Wang Large interaction and phase separation
Mon 8th Frédéric Robert The Lin-Nis conjecture: the influence of the curvature
Mon 15th Pierre Portal Holomorphic functional calculus of Hodge-Dirac operators in Lp
Mon 22nd Frédéric Robert Bubbling singularities along a 2D heat flow with exponential nonlinearity
Mon 29th Qing Han Smooth solutions of degenerate Monge-Ampère equations
Mon 13th David Ruiz An existence result for singular Liouville equations on compact surfaces