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University of Sydney PDE Seminars in 2019

Archive of Talks 2019

The seminar is associated with the Non-Linear Analysis Research Group. Organisers: Daniel Hauer and Daniel Daners.

Click on the titles below to see the abstracts.

Mon 9th Maria Fărcăşeanu Torsional creep type problems
Mon 2nd James Kennedy On the eigenvalues of the Robin Laplacian with a complex parameter
Mon 26th Nam Quang Le The Brunn-Minkowski inequality for the Monge-Ampère eigenvalue and smoothness of the eigenfunctions
Mon 19th Barbara Brandolini On the Hermite-Hadamard formula in higher dimensions
Mon 12th Petr Gurka Asymptotic estimates of s-numbers of Sobolev-type embeddings
Wed 24th Nimit Rana Energy critical 2-D stochastic wave equations
Wed 10th Winfried Sickel The interplay of smoothness and regularity in case of radial functions
Thu 27th Roman Cherniha Can we solve analytically nonlinear mathematical models describing some processes in biology?
Mon 27th Daniel Hauer Fractional powers of monotone operators in Hilbert spaces
Mon 20th Marcin Preisner Hardy spaces and Schrödinger operators
Mon 1st Pierre Portal An operator theoretic approach to pseudo-differential calculus
Mon 4th Lan Tang On the fractional Navier-Stokes equations
Mon 11th Andrew Hassell Spaces of functions invariant under Fourier integral operators of order zero