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Section 11.2 Physical Interpretation of the Divergence

We next want to derive a physical interpretation of divf. Let f be the velocity of a fluid or a gas in a region D. Fix a point a=(a1,a2) in D, and denote by Bδ a disc centred at a with radius δ. Then
is the net flow out of Bδ (if it is negative then the net flow is into Bδ). By the Divergence Theorem
models the net loss or increase of fluid (or gas) from Bδ per area. If we shrink Bδ to a we get a density for the loss or increase of fluid (or gas) at the point a. It indicates how much fluid (or gas) disappears or appears at that point. It turns out that (see Lemma 11.6 below)
Hence divf is often called the source strength of the vector field. If we have a gas, then by compressing it is possible that less flows out than in, or if we expand it more flows out than in. Hence if the sign of divf is positive there is a net flow out, if it is negative there is a net flow in. For that reason divf is also sometimes called the compressibility of a vector field. In any case we talk about a source if divf>0, and about a sink if divf<0.
To make the above precise we prove a lemma that in some sense is a generalisation of the proof of the fundamental theorem of calculus to higher dimensions. It also works for N2, we only need to replace area by volume.


As Bδg(a)dx=area(Bδ)g(a) we have that
Now fix ε>0 arbitrary. As g is continuous at a there exists δ0>0 such that |g(x)g(a)|<ε whenever xa<δ0 (see Proposition 3.24). Hence for all δ<δ0 we have
As ε>0 was arbitrary (11.2) follows.