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Section 9.4 The Comuptation of Unit Normals

We now want to see how to compute the unit normals depending on how the surface is given.

Subsection 9.4.1 Normals for surfaces defined implicitly

As an important special case we might look at a surface which is given explicitly as the graph of a function h:DR. Then x3h(x1,x2)=0 is an implicit representation and therefore
defines a unit normal vector field to the graph of h. The above normal field is pointing upwards, that is, has a positive x3-component.

Subsection 9.4.2 Computation of unit normals using parametric representations

Suppose that S is an orientable curve, and that g:DR3 is a regular parametrisation of S. If we fix a=(a1,a2)D, then the maps x1g(x1,a2) and x2g(a1,x2) define two curves on S crossing at g(a). The vectors
i=1,2, are tangent vectors to S at g(a). As g is a regular parametrisation (see Definition 7.2) we have that v1×v20. Recall that the vector product of two vectors is perpendicular to the original vectors (see Theorem 1.24). Hence we have the following theorem.
Let us write down the components of the above vector product product in components. Using (1.9) and the definition of the Jacobian determinant in Remark 5.18 we can write
There is another way to express the norm of the above vector product. We know from Theorem 1.24 that the norm of the vector product is the area of the parallelogram spanned by the two vectors. In Theorem 1.16 we derived another formula for the area of a parallelogram spanned by two vectors. We have to form the matrix with the two vectors as columns. In our case this turns out to be the Jacobian matrix of g:
As a consequence of Theorem 1.16 we can express the norm of the above vector product in terms of the Jacobian of g.