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Section 6.3 The Transformation Formula

For triple integrals we can derive a transformation formula similar to the one given in Section 5.3. To obtain such a formula we simply generalise the method presented in Section 5.3 to three dimensions. The situation is the following. We want to integrate a function, f, defined on the image of a domain DR3 under a map g. The domain D and the deformed domain g(D) are as shown in Figure 5.15, but in space. We denote the coordinates in D by (y1,y2,y3), and those in its image, g(D), by (x1,x2,x3). The map g has now three components:
Now we look at the image of a small rectangular box
As in two dimensions we find an approximation of the volume of the deformed rectangular box g(R). By similar arguments as used in Section 5.3 we see that the volume of g(R) is close to the volume of the parallelepiped spanned by
The two dimensional analogue of the present situation is shown in Figure 5.16. Now we know from Theorem 1.29 that the
volume of the paralellepiped spanned by v1,v2 and v3=|det[v1v2v3]|.
Using the definition of v1, v2, v3 and the properties of the determinant we have
where Jg(y) is the Jacobian matrix of g at y as introduced in Definition 4.18. Hence the
volume of the parallelepiped spanned by v1,v2 and v3(6.3)=|det(Jg(y))|Δy1Δy2Δy3,
so as with double integrals the Jacobian determinant appears. Again, the Jacobian determinant is the factor by which the volume of a small rectangle is distorted by the map g.

Remark 6.4.

In the more traditional literature the Jacobian determinant is often denoted by
We will occasionally use this notation.
Now we partition D into small rectangular boxes. Let us denote the collection of rectangles covering D by R. If y denotes one corner of each RR the sum
is an approximation for the integral of f over g(D). If we substitute vol(g(R)) by (6.3) then the above sum is very close to
The last expression is a Riemann sum for the function yf(g(y))|det(Jg(y))|. Passing to the limit this suggests that the integral of f over g(D) is given by
The above procedure is not a proof, but with some effort all arguments can be made rigorous. Hence we have the following result, completely analogous to Theorem 5.19.

Remark 6.6.

In more traditional notation the transformation formula reads
where x1,x2,x3 are considered to be functions of y1,y2 and y3.
Note that the special case considered in Example 5.21 carries over to the present situation.