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Section 2.4 Vector Valued Functions

We now look at vector valued functions, that is, functions defined on a subset DRN taking values in Rk. Such a function assigns every xD a unique vector f(x). As a result f(x) has k components, so f(x)=(f1(x),,fk(x)). Every component is a function of N variables with values in R as considered before. We call fi, i=1,,k, the component functions of f. We can visualise functions of one or two variables with values in R2 or R3.
Suppose that N=1 and k=2 then f(t)=(f1(t),f2(t)) is defined for instance for t in an interval IR. Similarly, if N=1 and k=3 then f(t)=(f1(t),f2(t),f3(t)) for tI. In both cases f(t) can be thought of as the position of a particle at time t moving in the plane or in space, respectively. We can represent f by drawing the path along which the particle travels as shown in Figure 2.14. We talk about a curve.
Figure 2.14. A curve in R3: The image of an interval in space.
Now consider a function defined on a subset of DR2 with values in R3. Again we can plot the vectors f(x) for xD. The resulting set is a surface in R3 as shown in Figure 2.15. We will discuss curves and surfaces later in more detail.
Figure 2.15. A surface in R3: The image of a plane domain in space.
A general vector valued function of N variables has the form
and is defined on a subset of RN. Most properties of vector valued functions are determined by the properties of each component function.