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Section 10.4 Application: Conservative Vector Fields

We saw in Section 8.2 that every conservative vector field is closed. We also mentioned that the converse is true if D is simply connected. In this section we want to give a proof of this fact for plane vector fields. Recall from (8.5) that closed for a plane vector field, f=(f1,f2), means that
This is exactly the term appearing in (10.1). Simply connected means that every closed curve, C, in D can be continuously shrunk to a point in D without ever leaving D (see Figure 8.9). In particular this means that the domain, DC, enclosed by C is a subset of D. Hence it follows from (10.3) and Green’s Theorem that
This shows that if D is simply connected and f is closed then the integral over every closed piecewise continuous curve is zero. By Proposition 8.2 the field f is conservative.

Example 10.11. Conservative vector field.

Show that f(x,y)=(2xy,x2y3) is a conservative vector field on R2.
R2 is clearly simply connected, so we have to check whether f is closed. We compute the relevant derivatives:
As the two derivatives are the same f is closed and thus conservative.