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Section 8.4 Closed Vector Fields in Space

If N=3 and and f=(f1,f2,f3) is a vector field then f is closed if
If we introduce a new differential expression on vector fields in R3 we can state the above conditions in a very concise form.

Definition 8.14. Curl of a vector field.

If f=(f1,f2,f3) is a vector field defined on a subset of R3 we set

Definition 8.15. The nabla operator.

The symbol is called the nabla operator, and can be thought of as the vector
With the above notation the curl of f is formally the vector product of with f as defined in Definition 1.20. Hence the notation ×f. Moreover, the gradient of a scalar function, f, is formally the multiplication by scalars of the `vector’ and the scalar f, so we write f for the gradient. In the more applied literature most of the time the `nabla operator’ is used.
With these definitions we have the following fact.
The curl will appear again later when discussing the Theorem of Stokes.

Remark 8.17.

Let us make a remark about the relationship of the curl with the condition (8.5) for a plane vector field to be closed. If (f1,f2) is a plane vector field we can always define a vector field f(x1,x2,x3):=(f1(x1,x2),f2(x1,x2),0) in R3. (The vectors f(x) do not depend on the third variable.) By definition of the curl we get
Hence curlf(x)=0 if and only if (8.5) holds. Hence,
is often called the curl of a plane vector field. Using the Theorem of Stokes we will give a physical interpretation of the curl. For details see Observation 11.8 below.