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Section 6.1 Definition of Triple Integrals

Suppose that \(D\subset\mathbb R^3\) is a closed bounded set, and \(f\colon D\to\mathbb R\) a continuous function. We now subdivide \(D\) into small rectangular boxes, either approaching \(D\) from the in- or the outside, similarly as shown in Figure 5.7 for plane domains. Suppose the partition has \(n\) boxes. Number them in some order from \(1\) to \(n\text{,}\) and denote the \(i\)-th box by \(R_i\text{.}\) These boxes then have all the form
\begin{equation*} R_i =[x_i,x_i+\Delta x_i]\times[y_i,y_i+\Delta y_i] \times[z_i,z_i+\Delta z_i]\text{,} \end{equation*}
and their volume is \(\Delta x_i\Delta y_i\Delta z_i\text{.}\) We then choose an arbitrary point \((x_i^*,y_i^*,z_i^*)\in R_i\) and consider the sum
\begin{equation*} \sum_{i=1}^nf(x_i^*,y_i^*,z_i^*)\Delta x_i\Delta y_i\Delta z_i, \end{equation*}
which is the counterpart of the Riemann sum (5.1). If \(D\) is `reasonably’ smooth and \(f\) is continuous then one can show that the above sum, also called a Riemann sum, has a limit as \(\max_i\{\Delta x_i,\Delta y_i,\Delta z_i\}\to 0\text{.}\) Moreover, the limit is independent of the choice of \((x_i^*,y_i^*,z_i^*)\in R_i\text{.}\) The limit is denoted by
\begin{equation*} \iiint_D f(x,y,z)\,dx\,dy\,dz, \end{equation*}
or in more modern notation simply by
\begin{equation*} \int_D f(\vect x)\,d\vect x, \end{equation*}
and called the (triple) integral of \(f\) over \(D\).

Remark 6.1.

If we choose \(f\) to be the constant function with value one, that is, \(f(x,y,z)=1\text{,}\) then the integral represents the volume of the domain:
\begin{equation} \text{Volume of the domain }D=\int_D1\,d\vect x\text{.}\tag{6.1} \end{equation}
Another physical interpretation is the following. Let \(D\) represent the region occupied by a solid made of some material. At every point \((x,y,z)\) on that plate let \(\varrho(x,y,z)\) denote the mass density of the material. Then the
\begin{equation*} \text{Total mass of the solid occupying }D =\int_D\varrho(\vect x)\,d\vect x\text{.} \end{equation*}
In the next section we see how to evaluate triple integrals over certain classes of domains.