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Section 6.1 Definition of Triple Integrals

Suppose that DR3 is a closed bounded set, and f:DR a continuous function. We now subdivide D into small rectangular boxes, either approaching D from the in- or the outside, similarly as shown in Figure 5.7 for plane domains. Suppose the partition has n boxes. Number them in some order from 1 to n, and denote the i-th box by Ri. These boxes then have all the form
and their volume is ΔxiΔyiΔzi. We then choose an arbitrary point (xi,yi,zi)Ri and consider the sum
which is the counterpart of the Riemann sum (5.1). If D is `reasonably’ smooth and f is continuous then one can show that the above sum, also called a Riemann sum, has a limit as maxi{Δxi,Δyi,Δzi}0. Moreover, the limit is independent of the choice of (xi,yi,zi)Ri. The limit is denoted by
or in more modern notation simply by
and called the (triple) integral of f over D.

Remark 6.1.

If we choose f to be the constant function with value one, that is, f(x,y,z)=1, then the integral represents the volume of the domain:
(6.1)Volume of the domain D=D1dx.
Another physical interpretation is the following. Let D represent the region occupied by a solid made of some material. At every point (x,y,z) on that plate let ϱ(x,y,z) denote the mass density of the material. Then the
Total mass of the solid occupying D=Dϱ(x)dx.
In the next section we see how to evaluate triple integrals over certain classes of domains.