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Section 5.3 The Transformation Formula

In this section we want to derive a formula generalising the substitution formula
you know from first year calculus. In the context of multiple integral such a formula is usually called the transformation formula or the area formula for multiple integrals. Make sure you understand the ideas presented in this section. A similar procedure can be applied to triple integrals. More importantly the ideas are essential when defining and discussing surface integrals!
The function g in the above formula transforms the interval [a,b] into another interval, hence the different limits. When looking at double integrals this corresponds to a deformation of the domain D, over which we integrate our function, as shown in Figure 5.15.
Figure 5.15. Deformation of a domain into another domain
The function deforming one domain into the other is a vector valued function, taking a point (y1,y2) to the point x1=g1(y1,y2) and x2=g2(y1,y2). We assume that
defines a function on the closure of D. The deformed domain is then the set
To derive a substitution formula we look at a small rectangle
in D as done in the construction of the double integral in Section 5.1. We want to estimate the area of its image g(R). The rectangle and its image are shown in Figure 5.16.
Figure 5.16. Deformation of a small rectangle by g
We assume that g has continuous first order derivatives on D. For fixed y2 the image of the map y1g(y1,y2) is a curve containing the lower edge of g(R). According to Remark 4.14 the length of that lower edge is approximately the length of the vector
Likewise the left edge of g(R) has approximately the length of
The surface area of g(R) is therefore approximately the surface area of the parallelogram spanned by v1 and v2. In Theorem 1.16 we saw that the
area of the parallelogram spanned by v1 and v2=|det[v1v2]|.
Using the definition of v1, v2 and the properties of the determinant we have
where Jg(y) is the Jacobian matrix of g at y as introduced in Definition 4.18. Hence the
area of the parallelogram spanned by v1 and v2(5.6)=|det(Jg(y))|Δy1Δy2.
Intuitively, |det(Jg(y))| is the factor by which the area of a small rectangle R is distorted by the map g.

Definition 5.17. Jacobian determinant.

The determinant of the Jacobian matrix, det(Jg(y)), is called the Jacobian determinant or simply the Jacobian of g at y.

Remark 5.18.

In the more traditional literature the Jacobian determinant is often denoted by
We will occasionally use this notation.
Now we partition D into small rectangles. Let us denote the collection of rectangles covering D by R. If y denotes the left lower corner of each RR the sum
is an approximation for the volume of the region between g(D) and the graph of f. If we replace area(g(R)) by the approximation (5.6) this volume is approximately
The last expression is a Riemann sum for the function yf(g(y))|det(Jg(y))|. Passing to the limit this suggests that the volume of the region between g(D) and the graph of f is given by
By the way we constructed double integrals we know that the volume of the region between g(D) and the graph of f is also given by
and so must be equal to the previous integral. The above procedure is not a proof, but with some effort all arguments can be made rigorous. In contrast to (5.5) we need that g is one-to-one. The reason is that double integrals are not `oriented.’ Hence we have the following generalisation of the substitution formula, called transformation formula or area formula for double integrals.

Remark 5.20.

In more traditional notation the transformation formula reads
where x1,x2 are considered to be functions of y1 and y2.

Example 5.21. Transformation formula for an affine map.

Let us write down the transformation formula if g is an affine map, that is, a linear map up to a translation. If a is a vector and A an invertible 2×2-matrix, then the map
is an affine map. Then (check this as an exercise), Jg(y)=A for all y. Hence the Jacobian determinant is given by detJg(y)=detA. As detA is a constant the transformation formula reduces to